Two Round Body Blast TRX Workout – Lucy

two round body blast

Hey-hey guys! It’s been a while since we did a TRX Thursday here. Let’s do it!

Today I wanted to introduce you to a new TRX class format I came up with – Two Round Body Blast.

So it is a body blast but instead of having 3 rounds (upper body, lower body, core) it has two rounds (upper body and lower body) each ending with 2 core focused exercises.

TRX workout


Two Round Body Blast TRX® Workout – Lucy

The warm up for this one is pretty standard with a few variations due to the workout focus being mostly on upper body and lower body.

The main part of the workout consists of 2 rounds each ending with 2 core exercises and a 1 minute rest.

Cool down – standard stretching and cool down exercises.

So a few things I wanted to focus on here that are part of this workout.

TRX Abducted Side Lunge with a medicine ball is something similar to what’s shown in the video below:

Almost but not quite. Here’s what we did:

With your left foot in both cradles and your left side to the anchor point, move away enough to get into side lunge position. Have the MB just outside of your right foot. Bend your right knee taking your hips back and down, pick up the MB and take it up and to the left straightening the right leg at the same time. Bend the right knee taking hips back and down and put the ball back just outside of your right foot. Repeat for 45 seconds, then switch sides.

Things to focus on here: make sure the bending knee stays behind toes, and the leg in the cradles moves straight away from your body, not to the back or front.

Inverted Row: I love-love-love inverted row. It just makes the class participants feel SO good when they’re able to complete those. Make sure they work their way up to this exercise though – low row is always a good place to be.

Here’s a video from TRX website – the Inverted Row is the second exercise demonstrated in it.

So that’s that, you guys.

Download your FREE .pdf with this two round body blast workout: Two Round Body Blast – 30 min TRX Workout – Lucy.

Like this format but feel like switching up the exercises in it a little? Click here to get the Two Round Body Blast class format template and build your own TRX class plan.

Keep being awesome!



Please note that while I make every effort to capture and present these TRX class profiles accurately, the class profiles and class descriptions posted on this blog do not constitute complete instruction for teaching a TRX class.

No statement is made to the suitability or otherwise of the TRX class profiles presented on this blog. Please, consult your physician before starting an exercise program.

TRX workouts posted on this blog should not be performed without supervision of a TRX instructor who successfully completed a TRX Suspension Training Course.

The TRX class profiles presented are not meant to be exercise and/or personal recommendations, but only examples of workouts that the author completed in the past. The owner and authors of these TRX class profiles will not be responsible or liable for any injury, illness or death resulting from the use of the information contained in this article.


  1. I like that abductor lunge. I haven’t done it in exactly that way I will need to give it a try!
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