How I started running or Sunday morning coffee inspiration

Sunday was a very special day in my fitness life.
I woke up early that morning (around 7:30 am) even though it was Sunday and I had no place I had to be or things I had to do that early in the morning.
My family was still sound asleep when I was enlightened by an idea while sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee.

I decided to go for a run. As in jogging. As in faster than walking.

There’s always been a special relationship between me and running. Growing up I was a heavy child and running in PE at school was never really my thing. I’d get tired quickly, I was never fast enough and I just didn’t enjoy running.
PE class in college was quickly substituted with playing volleyball two times a week for me (which at least I was good at).
It was part of the deal with my college PE teacher: he let me skip his classes, in return I made sure there was a group of people from our dorm playing volleyball at the college gym couple nights a week. Of course I had to suffer through a lot of track and field and cross country skiing before that deal even happened.
So here I was that morning, coming up on 32, not a runner at all, on the couch with a cup of coffee in PJ’s when millions of Americans were enjoying their morning runs.
I must say there was an article I’ve read recently that inspired me to get up and run that morning, or at least got me to start thinking about it. It is not in English, so I won’t share it here, but it was about a girl just like me – 32 and not a runner at all, who just started running, and about how it changed her life.
Long story short – I decided to give it a shot.

I used C25K on my phone. Session 1 of Week 1 – you basically alternate 60 seconds of running and 90 seconds of walking for 30 minutes. Easy as it sounds, trust me – it was NOT. I came home all sweaty, tired and already sore – right after the run, but happy and very excited. Now of course, real sore came this Monday morning, but it’s all good.

My husband took this pic of me after my historical run:



And that is how I started running.

My husband is going for a run with me next time (this Tuesday). I look forward to doing it together!

Stay fit friends and don’t be afraid to get off the couch and go. It doesn’t bite 🙂

Here’s a couple of motivational quotes from Pinterest:

Stay fit, my friends, and keep going!

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