Total Body TRX Workout – Jenna

Total body TRX workout – just 30 minutes of hard work and you’re done! This workout incorporates different length intervals, quick warm up and longer cool down. Introducing… “Jenna”.

total body trx workout

Hey guys! Welcome back to TRX® Thursday!

Today I’m sharing one of the recent TRX class plans with you. Now, I won’t be taking credit for it, not at all. This format (with different length of the intervals) was inspired by an audio workout created by real TRXperts!

If you want more of those, you can purchase them on the official website of TRX Suspension Training.

I absolutely love the varying intervals. I think it’s my favorite format now. LOVE keeping my students guessing what’s coming next and how long it’s going to be 🙂

Here you go!

Total Body TRX Workout – Jenna – 30 Minutes

Warm up

Well, this workout doesn’t really have a designated warm up. However, the first few exercises have the same duration as I would usually run my warm up, and are pretty close to those I usually use for warm up. Feel free to use them or incorporate a separate warm up of your choice.

This total body TRX workout consists of 2 rounds with 60 seconds break between them. The first round targets mostly lower body and the working intervals are 45 or 30 seconds long with 20 second breaks.

The second round is a mix of the upper body, lower body and core exercises. The intervals here increase to 60 seconds of work and 20 second of rest in between.

There is a 30 second break between the second round and the cool down.

So here are my favorites from this workout:

Kneeling Roll-Out to Triceps Extension

Well, for starters, kneeling roll-out is one of my favorite exercises of all times. Excellent core and arm strength exercise!

This combination with the triceps extension is very logical and comes naturally in this body position. Is it challenging? Hell yes!

My close second favorite in this total body TRX workout is Supine Pull-Trough.

Watch him do it at about 2:12:

So, are you ready for “Jenna”? 🙂

Download your printable .pdf with this class plan: Total Body TRX Workout – 30 minutes – Jenna

So there you have it guys! I hope you enjoy this TRX workout – either on your own or in class.

Have a great rest of your week!


Pick up a few essentials I use for teaching my TRX classes:


Please note that while I make every effort to capture and present these TRX class profiles accurately, the class profiles and class descriptions posted on this blog do not constitute complete instruction for teaching a TRX class.

No statement is made to the suitability or otherwise of the TRX class profiles presented on this blog. Please, consult your physician before starting an exercise program.

TRX workouts posted on this blog should not be performed without supervision of a TRX instructor who successfully completed a TRX Suspension Training Course.

The TRX class profiles presented are not meant to be exercise and/or personal recommendations, but only examples of workouts that the author completed in the past. The owner and authors of these TRX class profiles will not be responsible or liable for any injury, illness or death resulting from the use of the information contained in this article.


  1. Lena – I just want to thank you kindly for providing such detailed workouts! I know this takes a lot of time but please know it is greatly appreciated! I have been following your blog and “borrowing” from your awesome cycle routines for awhile now and can’t tell you how much it has helped me as an instructor. Now, I am TRX trained and will be leading classes in the next couple weeks and of course, I immediately thought of you! Having all the cues and the workout formatted in such the way you do is so incredibly helpful! I congratulate you on your recent accomplishment as well! Again, thank you for all you do and in such detail – you are helping others in more ways than you probably know!

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