Hey, my fitness friends!
Guess what? I did it again! I participated in Foodie Pen Pals program and today is the Reveal Day!
Curious what I got?
This month Lindsay changed things around a little and made it an exchange – that means you get the box from the same person you send your box to.
I was paired up with Heather. Heather blogs at Kiss My Broccoli, and her blog is absolutely AWESOME! Tons of great recipes, colorful pictures and very fun and easy to read writing style with a great sense of humor – that is all about Heather.
She asked me all sorts of questions before sending the box, and I got a wonderful selection of goodies just for me! Heather put a lot of thought into putting it all together!
That was a one awesome box!
Heather also attached a hand written note and her card:
Now let’s get a closer look at all this goodness, shall we?
These are Almond Rice Stix with roasted seaweed. “Seaweed and almonds?” you might think… That was de-li-cious! I just finished it a few days ago – perfect snack!
This is Macadamia Satay:
and it was extremely delicious on the grilled chicken wings my husband made for dinner one of the nights. That bottle of satay is gone now…loooong gone.
More yummy snacks for me – glazed Pomegranate vanilla cashews!!!
This is pure goodness – Chocolate Coconut Butter!
I have never seen or tried anything like it! It was a perfect match with banana, blueberries and English muffin one of the mornings:
I also got a lot of tea! I love tea. And it was a great idea to send a couple teabags of each kind!
Of course I had to have a cup of tea immediately!
I also got this energizing smoothie mix:
It made a perfect post-workout snack!
I tried these guys as a snack one day, but didn’t really like eating them plain:
I am sure they will be good in a salad, though.
Next up are the things I haven’t tried yet, but can’t wait to!
That is so super awesome!!! I’ve wanted to try it since forever and now I finally have it.
Thank you SO MUCH, Heather! I appreciate the thought and effort you put into this and I am very happy to have you as my Foodie Pen Pal.
And you, guys, you just have to march over and check out Heather’s blog, Facebook fan page and twitter!
Stay fit, and try Foodie Pen Pals!
Previous posts about Foodie Pen Pals Program:
Love your goodies from Foodie Penpal. I haven’t join in a while! I’ll join again this month!
Hey, wouldn’t it be great if we got matched up this month? I love this program – so much fun!
Oh Lena!!! Wow…just WOW! Thank you so much for all your kind words…and the link love and wow, just everything!! You’re the BEST! I couldn’t have asked to be matched with a better pen pal! I had such a great time picking things out for you and I’m SO glad to hear how much you liked them!
You are very welcome, Heather! Thank you for a great box!