Hello there my fit friends! How was your Father’s Day weekend?
We had a great time celebrating our wonderful Daddy of the Family.
I personally think a step mother’s day is in order 🙂 I mean, really – we’re under-celebrated… But I will probably get into that subject some other time – it is too serious and complicated.
Let’s keep it light and tasty here today, shall we?
Meranda and I are hosting our regular Link Up Party again. Link up your tasty posts below, check out other partiers, and have fun!
I am talking about my latest eats here today – things I ate and liked the most in the past week or so. If you’re interested in recipes for anything you see in this post – let me know in comments and I’ll get it to you!
I’ve been trying to lighten up my breakfasts and eat more fruit since it is summer.

Cottage cheese, strawberries and blueberries
Local strawberries are not very pretty, but they are so flavorful and delicious!

Local Strawberries
I usually pack lunch:

Lunch salad: spinach, avocado, almonds, blueberries, leeks, feta
Or hubby packs me lunch:

Delicious salmon sandwich on a bagel
Or he takes me out for lunch:

Lunch at Hoss’s
So one night, when we were out of pretty much everything, I put together this dinner salad from basically an empty fridge 🙂 It’s a talent only women have 🙂
Another night I made all this in my oven (no frying, all baking – healthy home fries bakes)

Honey mustard drumsticks and healthy home fries
Another highlight of our dinner table last week was the crock pot turkey with grapefruit. I used the recipe for Orange and Lemon Slow Cooker Turkey that Jade posted in the last week’s Tasty Tuesday link up, and since I didn’t have oranges, but did have grapefruit, I thought I’d swap this for that (baaaaaad idea). It was a little bitter (grapefruit), but still pretty good.
So after I told you guys that out favorite Asian restaurant in town started serving bubble Thai tea, I decided to do some research and see if I can make my own Thai tea.
Well, I got another confirmation that you can get just about anything on Amazon.
I got this awesome Thai tea mix from Amazon and made my own Thai tea!
And that’s what I ate lately, guys!
Do share: what was the tastiest thing you ate last week? Have a recipe or a tasty review on your blog? Link it up!

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