More Cycling: Weekly Exercise Recap

Hey, guys! Checking in quickly today to update you on some recent happenings in my life as well as on the last week’s exercise recap.

My routine was not very versatile last week – all I did was cycling 🙂

I am dying to get back into lifting weights, but… Ok, no “but’s” – I just need to do it.

So last Wednesday, right after I told you about my new indoor cycling experience, I went to another class where the instructor was new to me.

I am not going to go into much detail about it…Just want to tell you it was even worse than the one before that…At some point I just stopped doing what I was told by the instructor and did my own thing.

If I were her, that would have upset me, and maybe it did upset her, too. Oh well – all the more reasons for her to think why. Or maybe next time come up to the person who does that in her class after it’s over and ask him/her what’s going on and why they’re not following her instructions.

In my case – I am not doing the “No Bounce” drill where you isolate your legs, keep your upper body still while pedaling and “make those quads burn”. No thanks, I’ll pass on that one.

Anyway – disappointing.

I keep trying and my plan is to take each and every class this facility offers and see if they have at least one instructor who follows the general safety and common sense guidelines for the industry 🙂 I will keep you posted on the progress/lack thereof.

Meanwhile, I still got a workout that day:

indoor cycling

On Thursday, I got this goodness in the mail from Mad Dogg Athletics:


I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was developed by my favorite Jennifer Sage – the founder of the Indoor Cycling Association. I just plowed through this course in two days. What a great resource – so much valuable information and examples of practical applications of the knowledge. I was so eager to keep reading I took this home study with me to the swim club on Saturday 🙂 I am sure I will be coming back to this great book again and again.


Didn’t really do much for the rest of the work week. (Booooooooo)

On Sunday I went for my “dress rehearsal” ride – I put together a profile for my Monday class and go ride it myself first before I take it to the class.

I think it was the most challenging one I’ve put together so far. Lots of time in the saddle, lots of climbing and muscle endurance drills.

indoor cycling

Come Monday, it was time to actually teach that class.  I was just not feeling it all day on Monday. I don’t know why – I just felt really sluggish and not in the mood to move. But, of course, I had to – it’s my job now and I am responsible and accountable for it to my students who come in every Monday for my class.

This time my husband was able to make it to my class (first time, yey!) – that meant so much to me – it completely transformed my mood and lifted me up!

I also had 2 fellow instructors, one person who was completely new to cycling and one who was getting back to it after a surgery in the class this time. Full set 🙂

I absolutely LOVED this Monday class! I loved having two fellow instructors there riding with passion and helping me out by providing great emotional feedback to my music and routine.

I loved having the totally new to cycling person in the class because it gave me a feeling of great accomplishment to be able to fit her on the bike properly and go over safety guidelines with her, as well as her thanking me after the class and regretting I only teach once a week.

It was great having the person who was recovering after surgery in the class – it made me really think through and re-consider some of my cues on proper form right there and tell her that if she can’t do what I say, she needs to listen to her body and do whatever it tells her.

It felt great to hear people singing along to the music I played.

Above all – it was great to see the look on my husband’s face going like “WOW, my wife can do THAT, too?” 🙂

Awesome class! So much energy flowing – I still feel charged up and happy! Here’s the playlist I had for it:

And that is what I did workout-wise in the past week.

Do share: what was your best workout last week?

Stay fit, friends, and talk to you soon!

Lean Lena

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Wednesday Wonderfulz

Femme Fitale Fit Club’s Workout Wednesdays

New Indoor Cycling Experience and Last Week’s Exercise Recap

Hey, my fitness friends! Happy Hump Day to ya!

Having a fun week so far? I am indeed – feels good to be back on track with not just my eating and work schedule, but somewhat with my exercise schedule as well.

Last Monday I taught my weekly indoor cycling class at the Y:

indoor cycling

Yep, still loving what I do 🙂 Here’s the playlist I used for that ride:

My class loved the music! They thought the workout was challenging, too. It is incredibly rewarding to hear their compliments!

As always, I used Class Builder™ app by Cycling Fusion to get ready and teach the class, and I absolutely LOVE it. If you ever get it – take time to look at their website – this app can do so much more than you can possibly imagine!

You can even e-mail the class profile as a PDF to yourself (or anyone) once you’re done building it!!!

Anyway, I was not quite back into my exercise routine last week, but I did manage to squeeze in a cycling class on Saturday morning:

indoor cycling

It felt really good to be back in a class as a student and just do what somebody else tells you 🙂

On Memorial Day, one of the gyms I belong to (yeah, I know) was open until 1:00 pm, so I decided to go for a cycling class there. It was a new (to me) instructor, which was really exciting. I’m always up for checking out new instructors so I can learn something new from them!

indoor cycling

She was super nice and introduced herself to me before the class. BUT…

You know, I am not a judgmental person. I dislike judgment in all forms and shapes…BUT!

The class started with JUMPS. Really? Right after warm up? Besides, there was at least one new student in the class. I mean, I understand my cycling shoes probably give me away as a non-beginner, but that other lady was completely new to cycling. I actually heard her say that. Unfortunately, nothing was said by the instructor before we started “jumping” about jumps being an advance movement, and how beginners should not do jumps until they get enough training and experience on the bike.

I also witnessed what “too much looking down at your notes” looks and feels like from the student perspective. The instructor made virtually no eye contact with the class. I have to remind myself to not do that in my class. I mean, I actually have to make myself look at people during class because it is scary to take your eyes off of the phone screen with the Class Builder cues and elapsed class/song time on it. Now I actually know how bad it feels for students when the instructor is not making eye contact. Not pleasant. It also makes you feel like your instructor is not confident/skilled enough to take their eyes off of their notes/phone screen. Not good. Noted to self to do more eye contact and less looking down when I teach.

Oh and we stretched with our legs on the handlebars – thankfully, one at a time. Perfect ending! 🙂

I am definitely not going back to that instructor’s class. It wasn’t horrible, but it is not the class you would want to come back to again and again.

I realize that my experience in teaching is very modest, but I am constantly working on my education as an instructor. I know all the most important contraindications by heart. I might still not quite know some things I should do, but I sure know what not to do. My desire to know what NOT to do comes from fear of causing harm to my students, and I think every instructor needs to have that fear at the back of their mind – always.

The class on Monday left me feeling like the instructor couldn’t care less about safety. And that was sad.

Made me feel lucky to have had wonderful teachers!

But anyway – moving on. I have big plans for the coming week – plan on trying a couple new classes and getting my next class profile ready for next Monday.

I will tell you all about it next Wednesday.

Stay fit, boys and girls 🙂

Lean Lena


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Vega Sport Hydrator Review by Lost and Found Blogger

Hey my lovelies! Have you missed me? 🙂

I sure missed you!

My office still pretty much looks like this – at least for the most part of the work week:


And my office clothes – like this:


I am exposed to the weather conditions (rain or shine) and having all other sorts of fun related to overseeing container loading 🙂

Good news: this is the last week I’m doing it. After that – back to being an office rat and sleeping in until 6:30 AM.

Even better news: I have a piece of hard earned wisdom to share with you today.

If you have to work outside in the heat, if you do 12000 steps between 7:00 am and 3:00 pm – support your body. Drink a lot of water!

I was lucky enough to get a pack of Vega Sport Hydrator as part of the Fuel Your Better campaign with Fit Approach before my adventure started.

vega sport

I have to tell you – when it comes to hydrating, I prefer pure water. I just can’t really deal with the aftertaste of a sports drink and the feeling of complete draught in my mouth after drinking them. But since it was a Vega product, I decided to give it a try. They already surprised me once with their no aftertaste protein powder as I mentioned before. So, I thought, why not give it a shot again with Vega?

You probably know from my social media pages that I am now an employee of the Carlisle Family YMCA and teach an indoor cycling class every Monday. Since I am a beginner-instructor, I put a profile together every Saturday, give it a trial “run” myself on Sunday, then teach it on Monday. So! Back to Vega Sport Hydrator. One Sunday I went for my trial ride in the cycling room alone and brought the Hydrator with me to check it out.

Vega Sport Hydrator

It is a powder that you add to your water so you can decide for yourself how concentrated you want it to be. I made mine pretty thin so the taste is subtle.

I rode 8.6 miles on pretty intense hilly terrain that day!

Vega Sport Hydrator

I fueled those miles with the Vega Sport Hydrator. I have to say, being used to hydrating with plain water the taste was a little distracting in the beginning. But I still enjoyed it on my ride!

Vega Sport Hydrator

For my next class I made sure I had a bottle of this goodness with me!

Vega Sport Hydrator

The second time around I just loved it! So glad I have a whole box that Vega Team sent me!

It does its job perfectly in my opinion – hydrates and gives you energy to goof around like this after you taught/took a tough cycling class:


My super exhausting few weeks of working outside all day would not be so bearable without this product either! I used it to hydrate while being out there in the sun for the past few weeks and running around between the containers and Gators 🙂

BONUS: Vega Sport Hydrator does not contain sugar or artificial sweeteners! 0 Calories, too!

No guilt, great taste and benefits for your body all the way around – count me in! 🙂

Thank you, Vega Team and Fit Approach for this wonderful opportunity to try out Vega Sport Hydrator.

Disclaimer: even though I received complementary product from Vega and Fit approach, I was not compensated in any other way for this post and the opinions above are my own.


POPSUGAR Must Have Snacks from Nature Box – Review

Hey-hey, my friends! Happy Tasty Tuesday to you!

I am totally crazed with work these days – I had to get up at 4:30 am and commute 2 hours (vs. my usual 10 minutes), so it’s been a few 12-14 hour days at work. On the plus side – it’s all outside 🙂 FUN!

outside office

I will try and pop in every now and then in the next couple of weeks but will be extremely busy, so hang in there 🙂 For now – it is time to PARTY!


I am talking about snacking here today. Again 🙂 Well, whatcha gonna do – I’m a snacking queen 🙂

Anyway, a while ago I received an e-mail from Popsugar Select with an invitation to take part in their #MushHaveSnacks campaign with Nature Box.

nature box

Nature Box snacks? Count me in! So I signed up and Popsugar and Nature Box kindly selected me to be part of this awesome campaign. I have received a box of goodies from them free of charge to try and review:

nature box

Want to tell you up front – I absolutely LOVED every single snack in my box. No exceptions at all. So let’s take a closer look at what I got:

Dried California Peaches

dried california peaches

You know it is good stuff when there is only one ingredient on the list and that’s peaches.

dried peaches

Blueberry Almond Bites

nature box

These are moderately sweet and oh so good as a healthy treat!

Next up was the Popsugar Must Have Mix – that one was my most favorite! Savory, delicious, healthy and beautiful! What more would I want of a snack? 🙂

nature box

Seaweed Rice Pops

nature box

These babies disappeared from my snack drawer before I could say “rice pops” 🙂

Lemon Pucker Pistachios

nature box

These were the favorite of the men in my family. I left them on the dining room table in the morning and they were gone by the time I got home from work. I have no idea how that happened because I am the last to leave the house and often the first to come back 🙂 Somebody must have snuck into the house and ate them 🙂

Anyway, guys! I enjoyed the snacks from Popsugar and Nature Box very much! And I am very excited to tell you that for a very limited time POPSUGAR Must Have Snacks by NatureBox will be 50% off!!! Follow this link to sign up and get you first box in the mail!

And that’s it for today, guys! Don’t forget to link up your tasty posts below and check out other partiers!

Have a great week!

Lean Lena

Disclosure: POPSUGAR and NatureBox provided me with a complimentary POPSUGAR Must Have Snacks by NatureBox box. The opinions I have shared about the box are my own, and POPSUGAR and NatureBox did not tell me what to say or how to say it.

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Foodie Pen Pals Reveal Day – April

Hey hey! Happy Wednesday 🙂 (man, I’m good at rhyming 🙂 )

How is your week going, guys? Ready for Friday yet? I am! I’m tired…


Anyway, Friday never comes soon enough 🙂 While we’re waiting, let me tell you about what I got in my latest Foodie Pen Pals box.

I was paired up with Sara this month. After a quick exchange of details about our food preferences and dietary restrictions (Sara is vegan) the boxes were finally sent off! Sara and I both got our boxes on the same day 🙂

foodie pen pals

Here’s what I got in my box of goodies:

Foodie Pen pals

Hazelnut cream filled wafers

Aren’t they gorgeous?

Foodie Pen pals


These little guys are perfect healthy snack if you’re craving something sweet as cinnamon is a natural sweetener.

Foodie pen pals

Sweet cinnamon roasted chickpeas

Now this was gone within seconds of me opening the box:

Foodie Pen pals

Sunflower seed almond butter

Oh and so was this (because, you know, it was just pure coconut):

Foodie Pen pals

Coconut snack bar

Larabar? What Larabar? I didn’t get no Larabar!

Foodie Pen pals

ALT Larabar that wasn’t there 🙂

Oh by the way, the bag of extremely delicious multigrain snack chips was also not there. No idea what happened to it – must have been lost in transit 🙂

Foodie Pen pals

My Foodie Penpals Box

Thank you so much for a wonderful box, Sara! I hope you enjoyed mine as much as I enjoyed yours!

Now time for you, guys, to check out my previous FPP posts to see just how awesome this program is. Here you go:

Convinced to try it yet? 🙂

The Lean Green Bean
Have a great rest of your week, guys! And don’t forget to get yourself a foodie penpal – so much fun!
Lean Lena

Vega Bars Review

Hey guys! Happy New Week!

As you might have noticed from following me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook – I’ve been selected to review Vega Bars through Fit Approach. I am super excited and honored as it is my very first product review and it is for Vega! I wanted to thank both Fit Approach and Vega Team for this great opportunity!

The very first time I ever heard of Vega was when I got one of my Foodie Penpal boxes from Heather over at Kiss My Broccoli – she sent me a packet of Vega Sport Performance Protein. I am not very big on protein powders. I do add them to smoothies occasionally but mostly I dislike them for the artificial aftertaste. I was intrigued by the product of Vega back then for not having that aftertaste! So when Fit Approach sent out an opportunity e-mail to review Vega bars, I jumped right at it and was selected as one of the bloggers!

Anyway, back to the bars. I have received a box of goodness from Vega to try out.

Vega bar

There were four kinds in my box: Vega Snack, Vega One, Vega Sport Protein Bar and Vega Sport Energy Bar – I got 2 flavors of each kind.

I won’t bore you with nutrition facts and such in this post. All that information is available online and you can access it and decide if it is right for your nutrition goals. This post is all about my personal experience trying the bars and how my taste buds felt in the process. 🙂

Of course I had to try one right when I received my box! I just got home from work and was getting ready to go to my Wednesday night yoga class, so I thought that would be a perfect time for a snack!

Vega bars

Well, hello there!

I started with Cranberry-Almond snack bar. LOVED the combination of almond and cranberry! I personally found this bar a little too sweet, but you’re looking at the girl who loves super dark chocolate the most. Otherwise, it did the job just great – it was a perfect snack to keep me going for a few hours until dinner time.

Next up was Vega One meal bar and I tried Chocolate-Peanut Butter flavor.

Vega bars

Let me tell you, this is a one serious bar right there! It has 13 g of protein, it is just the right amount of sweetness, and it has peanut butter AND chocolate in it! I was a little skeptical about the name to begin with – meal bar? There’s no way I can be satisfied subbing a meal with a bar – I’ll get hungry in an hour! – I thought. So I had this bar as a snack between meals at work. Erm…I was not hungry for HOURS! I just wasn’t. I had it for a 10 am snack and didn’t have lunch until 2 pm while my usual lunch time after the 10 am snack is noon. Hey, if you know you’re going to be hellishly busy and will not have time to sit down and eat a meal – this is a perfect on the go solution. My favorite part was that having 13 g of protein in it – you get none of that disgusting artificial powder aftertaste you get after eating a protein packed bar. NONE!

On Saturday I headed out for my usual Saturday double in the morning – indoor cycling class and then yoga. Sometimes I eat breakfast before that, other times I don’t – depends on how early I get up and if I feel like eating. This past Saturday I didn’t – so Chocolate-Coconut Vega Sport protein bar came in very handy in between the classes – it was a perfect snack to keep me going for another hour of exercise after cycling.

Vega bar yoga cycling

Just look at this goodness!

vega bar

Yesterday my husband and I went for a 30K bike ride at our local Rail Trail. I absolutely LOVED the event and the trail, but 30K is a long way to go and you know me – I need a snack every 2 hours. I made sure I am well prepared for the challenge!


Once again, Vega Sport Energy Bar performed – I had my snack before the ride and then half way through:

cycling vega bars

Don’t mind my face – I just really wanted to finish my Vega bar!

The conclusion, my friends is this:

If you’re looking for a healthy AND delicious snack – Vega Bars are the way to go – no funky ingredients, yummy flavors, plant-based, gluten free and non-GMO.

Best thing – they taste GREAT. They taste like a treat without the guilt part of having one.

I absolutely and sincerely loved being a part of this campaign held by Vega and Fit Approach!

I hope you decide to try Vega Bars, friends. They are 100% worth it!

Have a great week and I will see you back here tomorrow for the Tasty Tuesday linkup party!


Disclosure: this is a sponsored post. I have received complementary box of Vega bars from Vega and Fit Approach. All opinions in this post are my own.

Random Likes – Five on Friday

Hey guys! TGIF!!!

I can’t wait for this weekend! So much going on lately – I have to tell you about it in my Five on Friday post today 🙂 Here we go!

{ONE} Cumberland Valley Rails-to-Trails

This is an awesome trail close by where we live and we went there last weekend for a bike ride. It was my very first time there and I LOVED it!


It is a beautiful trail, and the day was just perfect for a ride – nice breeze, not to warm, no bugs yet. Pure AWESOMENESS! And I got a pretty good workout out of a recreational ride.

bike ride

We went out 4 miles, but then Carmen got tired and we had to go back. Was still a fun ride and we got to style at the finish line. Well, I personally was mostly styling my helmet hair 🙂

bike ride

This Sunday hubby and I are going back there again for the 8th annual Race, Run, Ride & Ramble Trail Festival – we’re doing the 30K bike ride part of it. SO excited! Stay tuned for recap next week, friends 🙂

{TWO} Lucky Brand

I’ve been a huge fan of their purses for a long-long time – well made, stylish, super convenient and spacious (crazy bag lady here) and just beautiful. I am a proud owner of this one:

lucky brand purse

I love their jewelry, too – like this Green Stone Woven Bracelet:

lucky brand

Or these gorgeous Two Tone Oval Orbital Earrings

lucky brand earrings

{THREE} DIY Easter Baskets

We had a wonderful Easter this year! We had the kids and since they are all grown up now, we decided to go with the DIY Easter baskets rather than the egg hunt. So, on Good Friday when everybody was taking their nap in the afternoon, I put together these baskets:

Easter baskets

DIY Easter baskets

Don’t mind my washer and dryer – I was hiding in laundry room while putting these baskets together 🙂

{FOUR} Homemade Quesadillas

Oh I have been addicted to those! Carmen loves enchiladas, so we always have tortillas in the fridge. What better way to use them than make a breakfast quesadilla?

breakfast quesadilla

Takes no time to make, too – just whisk an egg, fry it as a pancake, put on a tortilla, add whatever else you want on it (I have cheese and ham), fold, brown on both sides, cut and devour! 🙂

{FIVE} Indoor Cycling Instructor News

Well, you guys know that this Monday I taught my very first indoor cycling class at the local YMCA as my audition for the job there.

I passed and got a job offer, which I happily accepted!!!

I have yet to pass all the checks, orientations and such, but this goes to show how determination and hard work always pay off! Once you get on the right track, once you really want something and are determined to get it – the whole world helps you reach your goals.

You suddenly find just the right people to help and support you.

You suddenly find energy in yourself to do a cycling class, a yoga class and then come back to cycling room to practice teaching for another hour – all that on a Saturday morning.

It is an amazing feeling when you see your riders’ eyes and smiles at the end of the class. I want to do it again and again 🙂

I am super excited about this job opportunity and the community of people I will be working with.

And that was my Five on Friday, folks 🙂

Do share: what have you been liking lately?

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Teaching my First Indoor Cycling Class – Recap

Hey, guys! Happy hump day! How is your week going?

Mine started off with teaching my very first indoor cycling class, as you know from this post. Back here today to tell you all about it!

Well, most of the Sunday night I was teaching the class in my head and in my sleep 🙂 I think it might be what helped me not to freak out completely when it was actually time to teach 🙂

All day Monday I kept playing my music and cues in my head, and before I knew – it was time to leave work and go to the YMCA.

I got there 40 minutes early (which is pretty close to normal for me on Mondays even when I take the class, leave alone teaching it for the first time), got changed, went upstairs to the cycling room, turned on our “racing lights”, opened the windows, turned the fans on, had my fight with the stereo (which of course was acting up and didn’t want to switch from CD to AUX), set everything up and started waiting for my riders to show up.

indoor cycling
Yeah, I wish those were Spinner® bikes, too 🙂

Getting there early definitely helped me relax and calm down. I was still nervous, but felt much better after spending some time alone in the room and getting everything ready for the class.

I used most of the tips that other instructors on Team Spinning gave me:

  • I have prepared and practiced my profile in advance.
  • I backed up my playlist on a CD, printed my notes for it, and put it in the CD envelope. This can actually be my back up at any time now.


  • I took my population into account. The class I was going to teach was the one I had been taking myself every Monday for the past couple years, so this was pretty easy – I knew the “regulars” and what music they liked. Half of the songs I played had been used by the regular instructor of that class, but I modified the drills for them. I got some great feedback on the new songs that I used for the class, as well. It was great seeing some riders actually sing along 🙂

Here is what my playlist looked like:

I won’t get into much detail about the routine. I will just say I think that it was challenging enough and involved a lot of climbing – both seated and standing.

  • During my “dress rehearsal” last Saturday I tried to concentrate on giving clear instructions and not getting my own workout in. That was the hardest part for me – I am so used to getting on that bike and working my heart out that it was hard to not get aerobic 🙂 Hey, I did my best!
  • I did use songs with lyrics (except for the warm up and cool down song), but practiced giving instructions in between the lyrics, i.e. brief overview of the drills for the next song at the end of the previous song, etc.
  • I tried to keep my instructions simple and specific without talking too much, and yet providing enough guidance for my riders.

I also did some things in addition to what was suggested by the Team Spinning members:

  • I brought a Suggestions Jar and put it next to the sign in book that we have for students, and told them to feel free to leave any feedback (good or bad) on the experience they had in my class. I got 2 wonderful notes in writing, and a lot more positive feedback and a round of applause at the end of the class 🙂


  • I brought a pack of index cards with me for new students to write down their bike settings. (didn’t need them this time though)
  • I used Class Builder™ – Cycling Fusion app for the class. LOVE this app! Whether you are a beginner instructor, or an experienced one – I think this is a great app to incorporate into your class. Definitely check it out! It is not free and not really cheap, but I am SO glad I invested in it!
  • I used my flexible mini tripod to attach my phone to the handlebars so it is right in front of me and I don’t have to glance down at it.
  • I found and printed out bike set up guidelines from the manufacturer of the bikes we have at the Y (LeMond RevMaster). Since I was trained by the Spinning® program which is designed for different bikes, I thought it was a good idea to educate myself on the proper bike set up for this particular kind of bikes.

Things that didn’t go so well/I need to work on:

  • Voice projection – I got quite a few comments that people couldn’t hear me very well. I didn’t have the mic in my class. It will definitely be a must if/when I get hired – no doubt about it. For now I should really work on my voice projection skills – always good to have in case of emergency 🙂
  • Teaching off the bike – I did not do it this time. I was very nervous and worried that if I get off the bike I will lose track of my planned profile and cueing times. I think this will change as I get more experience, practice and confidence that comes with it. I totally understand the value of teaching off the bike, I was just not up for it at the very first class – one step at a time.
  • I need to remind my riders to hydrate more often. I noticed that with so many things going through my head as we moved along I kept forgetting to hydrate myself and remind them to do so. You’d be surprised – but their attention is focused mostly on the instructor and their own riding – they forget to hydrate. They really need to be reminded.
  • I need to work more on disconnecting the two things – teaching and working out myself. It was one of the hardest parts for me. I was NOT trying to get a workout myself and was trying to concentrate on teaching, but it kinda happened anyway. I need to work more on shifting my focus to my priority as an instructor – my riders’ workout, and take it easy myself. It is a habit hard to break!
  • Cue more on proper form – I am hoping the ability to do that will also come with time and growing confidence.
  • And obviously many other things that I have yet to discover I am not good at as I keep teaching 🙂

Overall – it was an incredible experience! I’ve never enjoyed seeing others sweat as much as I did this Monday 🙂 I was waiting for them to start sweating! 🙂 I know it is not a 100% validation, but I needed it.

Teaching this first class made me realize what a wonderful group of people the Y brought into my life. How lucky I am to have met Jim Mader who has become my cycling/yoga/lifting guru, and other wonderful people – Fiona, Susan, Marlene, Lisa, Don, Sandy, and many more.

THANK YOU, guys! For making my first experience of teaching indoor cycling so UNFORGETTABLE!


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Femme Fitale Fit Club

Get ready to teach your first cycling class: 15 tips to be prepared

Hey guys! I got some exciting news to share with you today.

Ever since I got certified as a Spinning® instructor, I haven’t really been looking for a job. As it turned out, the job was looking for me 🙂 But let me start from the beginning.

I have been taking indoor cycling classes at our local YMCA for a couple of years now. Last winter we had a bunch of instructors leave their jobs and so a few class teaching slots became available. The problem was\is that I can’t teach at the available times as I have my 8-5 day job (boring, I know 🙂 ).

Anyway, ever since I got certified there was a lot of e-mails going back and forth with the YMCA, then there were no e-mails going anywhere, and then I got an invitation for the interview for this past Friday!

The interview went really well. It was 1 hour long and I really enjoyed our conversation with the Physical Director.

So, here’s the plan: I will teach my very first indoor cycling class this coming Monday, April 21 and if it goes well, I will have a regular class on Mondays (5:30 to 6:30 pm) May-October while my favorite instructor Jim is taking a break from teaching.

Also, I will be teaching some Saturday classes that run on a rotating schedule. If my audition goes well that is.

Not sure what is going to happen in October, but we shall see.

And this is where you start freaking out about teaching your first class 🙂

spinning cycling

I was fine until this Monday when it finally hit me that it is going to happen 🙂 All the questions I was asking myself just about made my head explode!


When that happened, I went to the Team Spinning Facebook group to ask for last minute advice from seasoned Spinning® instructors on how to teach your first cycling class.

The support and feedback they gave me was just incredible! I got over 60 comments with word of encouragement and advice. People even posted suggested class profiles and one of the members is mailing me a CD with music from her own collection!

I was amazed at the support and warmth of everyone in the group. I am so fortunate to be a part of this family! If you are a Spinning®/Indoor cycling instructor, make sure to check it out – it is one amazing group of people!

Below are some tips for the first time teaching that I got from the Team Spinning.

15 tips

    1. Bring a back up CD in case you have iPhone/iPod issues. In fact, my instructor carries both a CD and a TAPE! Yes, he is that prepared 🙂
    2. Remember to introduce yourself, ask if you have any new riders in the class,  go over proper bike setup and safety making sure all the rider pop-pins are tight.  At the end of class thank the riders for attending your class.
    3. Discuss with your riders that it is NOT about the number of miles they go. Remember, anything above 110rpm is useless and dangerous!
    4. Remember the 4 P’s to Spinning. Population, Purpose, Plan, Progression. Know your audience. Profile accordingly and think about the intent of your ride.
    5. Keep an eye on your participants during class so it’s about them and not watching the stereo or your notes too much.
    6. Pace your verbiage because even though it’s their ride, not yours, and you’re not going anaerobic, it is very different to talk and teach when first starting out.
    7. Don’t be afraid to jot down some notes of what to say during certain planned segments of your profile. There’s nothing wrong with an instructor having notes.
    8. Try not to let lyrics of any chosen music over-ride what you are saying. Hence, it’s easier not to play that type of music so you’re not combating with it.
    9. However, do play what you like initially because they will feel your energy.

  1. Act confident. If you act it, you will feel it. They will sense that and respond to it providing positive energy back to you to go back to them! It creates a circling effect.
  2. Don’t talk too much! Don’t feel obligated to fill every moment of silence.
  3. Brining a spare water bottle for a rider who forgets is a good habit to get into.
  4. You might feel like people are giving you the stink eye; don’t take it personally.  Some people are very attached to their instructors and if you’re taking over a class, it might take some time for them to “warm up” to you.
  5. Practice.
  6. Relax. Be yourself. Smile. Bring your love for Spinning with you. If you have it, your participants will feel it.

I would like to THANK everyone on Team Spinning who contributed to the list of tips above. It helped me a lot just to put that list together. Even though all that was part of the instructor training and I know it, it is still helpful to summarize it and remind yourself of the important things you need to do as an instructor.

So. I am still working on the routine, music and cueing, and then my plan is to ride the class profile I come up with myself this weekend.

After all the support and encouragement I received on Monday from the Team Spinning group, I feel much better – more confident and relaxed.

I got this! We’ll have a fun and challenging ride. I know I am qualified enough to promise my participants that and keep that promise.

spinning cycling

I will be back with a recap next week. For now – wish me luck!

Do tell: What is your most memorable first experience? How do you overcome the nervousness of the “first time”?

Have a great Hump/Pump Day, guys!


You might want to read this post, too: 5 Things I don’t Teach My Indoor Cycling/Spinning® Class Without.

New instructor? Check out my resource page for new instructors.

Looking for ideas for your next class? Check out my Playlists and Class Profiles.

Five on Friday – Shoes, Bling, Bikes and More

Hey guys! It’s Friday! I am so happy about it!

I had a horrid week at work. I really hope you did better than me 🙂

Anyway, it’s time for the traditional Five on Friday post to show you five things I’m loving lately. Here we go!

{ONE} Vibram FiveFingers – Seeya



I just got these in the mail a couple days ago. They are much lighter than the Traksport Sandals I got before and I am absolutely loving them!


I’ve been wearing them to work every day of the week since I got them…Yeah, it is a bit of a dress code violation but really, I don’t have customers visiting me and spend most of the day commuting between the printer and my desk. I don’t think anybody cares about the shoes I wear (if any).

Buy Seeya’s here if I got you interested.

{TWO} Mantra Bands – One Day at a Time

I now have two in my collection, and check out how well they go together!


Looking at them is an inspiration and a reminder that it is a journey, not the destination that matters. And of course I love me some bling, too 🙂

{THREE} Entry Level Road Bikes

The subject of road bikes has been of interest in my house for a long time 🙂 I have never owned a road bike in my life. I have a $50 Walmart “no brander” right now 🙂

So one day I just said I wanted a road bike. It kind of frustrated my husband a little… I quote: “You can’t just say you want a road bike! That’s not enough information! What kind of bike? What brand? Components?…” Anyway, turns out he thought that would be a great surprise gift for me. But since I started bugging him about why he’d gotten so frustrated, he confessed and there will be no surprise (don’t bug your husbands, ladies) So! My wonderful husband started doing some research and stumbled upon this great article here, which is called “Top 5 Entry Level Road Bikes”.

And I am totally drooling over this Schwinn!


Totally looking into buying one on Amazon – women’s version, of course 🙂

{FOUR} FitBloggin’ 2014


So here’s the story. Last week my blogging friend Jen over at A Hungry Runner threw a question at me on Facebook:

Are you going to the Fitbloggin’ conference? I want to go so badly!

I was not planning on going. Well, of course I know what FitBloggin’ is and how awesome it would be to go, but I didn’t think me and my blog were quite there yet.

But it is a whole different story when you have a buddy by your side 🙂

Anywho, within 24 hours from that question on Facebook Jen and I had our attendee registrations done and hotel booked.


To say that I am excited is a HUGE understatement. I am SO looking forward to meeting the fellow fitness bloggers and learning more about fitness blogging by attending sessions, as well as working out with a bunch of awesome people, exploring the beautiful Savannah, GA and so much more!!!

Jen, you’re the best for throwing that idea out there and taking me along on this adventure with you 🙂



{FIVE} Spinning® App

Did you know there was an app for that? 🙂 I didn’t!


Image source and app download link.

Anyway, I have downloaded it and hubby and I went on a quick bike ride on Thursday to try it out.

The app is pretty awesome, my friends. Check out the summary of our ride:

Speed graph

Speed graph

Elevation graph

Elevation graph




Ride summary

Loved this app! So easy to set up and use and so much useful information about your ride.

And that’s my Five on Friday, guys! Hope you have a wonderful Friday and weekend!

Do share: do you or have you ever owned a road bike? If yes, what brand and model is it?

5 Things to be on the Lookout for in your Indoor Cycling Class

Have you ever walked out of an indoor cycling class feeling like you just got an awesome workout, and then wondered with time where that back/knee/neck/shoulder pain came from? Or ask yourself how come you’re not seeing the results you want even though you work so hard?

I know I have – for a long time, until I went through Spinning® instructor training and realized how many things can go wrong in an indoor cycling class without you even knowing.

It is not always your instructor’s fault (even though most of the time it is) – I encourage you to educate yourself before starting an indoor cycling exercise program and make sure you are following the safety guidelines. Not following them seems harmless but it sure is dangerous in the long run.

I’ve recently taken a class with a new instructor, which inspired me to write this post today hoping that at least my readers could educate themselves on the basic rules of a safe indoor cycling class and be able to recognize an unprofessional instructor.

Here are some of the things to be on the lookout for when taking an indoor cycling class:

{ONE} Bike Set-Up


When you walked into that class for the first time, did your instructor come over to introduce him/her-self and help you set up your bike?

Did he/she ask if there were any students in the class who were completely new to indoor cycling or needed help setting up their bikes?

If yes, you’re good as long as they helped you setup your bike correctly.

If not – you are at risk of setting it up wrong without professional guidance, which can lead to bad riding form and eventually – injuries.

If you’re in a class that uses one of the Spinner® bike models, you can read about proper bike set up here before the class. Otherwise – please, speak up and ask your instructor for help.

Speak up and ask your instructor for help in any case. Don’t be shy!

Write down your bike settings for future classes.

{TWO} Funky Moves

DSC_0033 (2)

So you got your bike set up properly and you’re all ready to go. The music is great, the instructor is “on fire”…Perfect! Here are some “funky” moves you should be on the lookout for and should not do in order to avoid discomfort, pain, and/or injuries:

  • Hovering/Isolation
  • Extending your arms to hand position 3 while seated
  • Using free weights while on the bike
  • Riding with no resistance on the fly wheel
  • Doing squats while on the bike
  • Letting go of handlebars during a standing climb or standing flat/running
  • Pushups (yes, some people actually do that while on the bike)
  • Placing your foot on handlebars while stretching

There’s more. The things above are just a few of the most common contraindicated moves. You can read more about contraindications for the Spinning® program and Spinner® bikes here.

The rule of thumb is – Keep It Real! In other words – if you wouldn’t do it on a regular bike, don’t do it on the stationary bike.

Would you ride on the road with weights in your hands? Exactly!

Read more about what keeping it real means and what it doesn’t in this great article by Jennifer Sage – the founder of the Indoor Cycling Association.

If the instructor in the class you attend suggests any of the moves above, remember: it is your ride, your body and your health – you decide what to do. You don’t have to do something your instructor tells you that you know is wrong and/or not safe.

{THREE} Heart Rate Monitor (HRM)


Take a note: does your instructor wear a HRM? Does he/she encourage the class participants to purchase and use one? Does he/she refer to the % of max heart rate during training?

Monitoring your heart rate is of crucial importance in achieving your fitness goals. Training without it is like walking in the darkness – how do you know how hard you’re working unless you know your heart rate? You can’t rely solely on the perceived exertion – both that and the HR need to be taken into account.

Consider purchasing a heart rate monitor even if your instructor makes no reference to HR in class, take note of your HR during the ride.

Be smart about your training – read more about effective training based on heart rate and Energy Zones.

{FOUR} Resistance Control


Does your instructor come up to you during the class to adjust the resistance on your bike’s flywheel?

If yes – never come back to that class again.


You are the one in control of your workout. You are the one who decides how hard you can and will work.

If your instructor received proper training, they would have been strongly discouraged to even suggest increasing resistance in any measurable amounts. Suggestions to increase resistance are totally normal and necessary to explain and implement the riding profile for the class, but telling you how much you should add (half turn, full turn, quarter turn) is not. Adjusting it for you is unacceptable.

{FIVE} Who’s getting a workout?


Ever feel like it is your instructor’s workout not yours?

Does your instructor get off the bike during the class to walk around and help people in the class?

A good instructor does. He/she also remembers that it is not his/her workout, but yours. It surely is inspiring to see your instructor sweating just like you, but things look a little different to the instructor when they get off the bike and walk around to check on their students’ form, heart rates, answer possible questions and help out if somebody needs them.

I hope the tips above can help you in achieving your fitness goals without getting injured – regardless of the level of your instructor’s professionalism. Even though it is your instructor’s job to guide you and keep you safe during the class, remember that you’re in charge of that bike and that puts a lot of responsibility on you, too.

Educate yourself in advance and enjoy the ride!


Images' Source

Motivation Monday: Farewell February – a Month at a Glance

Hey guys! Happy Monday!

February has come and gone. Let’s wrap it up, shall we?

It was a busy month for me (even though it didn’t feel like it most of the time) – full of events, emotions, changes, achievements and more! Here it is at a glance…

{February 8} 

I went through my Spinning® Instructor Training – something I’d been dreaming about for quite a while has come true! It was also a great opportunity to meet a whole bunch of awesome, driven, like-minded people!

Thank you, Mad Dogg Athletics!

{February 13}

I passed my assessment test and officially became a certified Spinning® Instructor.

On this day I also got accepted to be a Sweat Pink Ambassador!


Always knew 13 was my lucky number!

{February 25}

I posted the very first guest post on this blog! Thanks so much to Amber for sharing her recipe in that post!

{February 28}

What an awesome end to an awesome month! I have been accepted to be a FitFluential Ambassador!!! That is another dream come true right there! I am so grateful and so excited to become a member of this great community of fitness enthusiasts!


And…I spent 19.8 hours exercising in February. That is not too bad!


If I ever lose my motivation – I should go back to this post…February felt like a very slow month where a lot of times I felt like I am stuck in place, not moving anywhere. It wasn’t until now that I realized how much I have accomplished in February!

Do share: what are the highlights of your February?

Stay fit and warm!


#MNBChallenge, Week 3 Recap – Believe

Hey, guys! Happy Saturday!

How is your weekend going? I hope you are getting a lot of active rest and relaxation!

I am here today to tell you about last week’s happenings of the Move, Nourish, Believe Challenge. If you missed the previous recaps, you can find them here and here.

The past week was about the spiritual aspect of the challenge, which I struggled with the most, and which I think was the most important part of the challenge just because of that.

It is easy to comply with challenges like “eat this, eat that”, or “workout this/that way” for me…Unfortunately, it is not so easy to stop and think, and believe….

I’ve been struggling in the past couple of weeks with my overall motivation (or rather the lack thereof)…I hardly exercised at all and noticed that I started cutting myself a little slack here and there with my food choices. That is not good. Week 3 of the challenge made me stop, think and reconsider. And smell the roses. And realize that whatever is going on with my motivation is ok, and I need to go through this and bounce back. And I am bouncing back 🙂

So, here’s what happened during Week 3 of the MNB Challenge.

{MONDAY} Spoil Yourself!

Now that is an awesome start to any week, isn’t it? I did spoil myself with an at-home manicure.

here's all my gear!

here’s all my gear!

and the final result of spoiling myself

and the final result of spoiling myself

{TUESDAY} 5 Mindful Minutes

On Tuesday we were supposed to meditate for at least 5 minutes.

I am generally not a good meditation person. That is something I am struggling with in yoga – relaxation and meditation. ‘Cos, you know….I’m far better at buzzing around at the speed of light and it is hard for me to stop. Not that I can’t, I just enjoy my own rhythm.

Anyway, challenge is to challenge yourself, so I did.


My peaceful place underneath the family pictures in the living room 🙂


On Wednesday we needed to share our happy place picture. That one took me a while to choose from – I have so many happy places (luckily)! after a thorough selection process this picture was dug out of the cyberspace.


This was take quite a long time ago, and it is of me sitting on top of a cliff in a nature park just outside the city of Krasnoyarsk, Russia, overlooking the beautiful Yenisei River.

That picture made me remember that I am the happiest when I can be alone with nature. Just for a few minutes, to get out of the everyday routine and just sit there looking at the water off of top of a cliff. Perfect!

{THURSDAY} Thankful Thursday.

On Thursday we needed to think and show what we were thankful for.

I am a very lucky woman. I have a wonderful family and friends, I have a good life, everybody I love is in good health and happy. I have a ton of things to be thankful for.

However, none of that would be possible for me if it wasn’t for my mom and dad. They were my answer to the Thankful Thursday challenge – if it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t have been where I am right now.



On Friday, we had to give a shout out to our number one supporter and motivator.

You all know this guy very well 🙂


Best “Yes!” I ever said was to him. He’s always been my number one fan, my number one supporter and partner in crime, my best friend and the love of my life!

And that is how we believed this past week!

I can’t believe this challenge is over… It was so much fun to be part of it! Thank you Fit Approach and Lorna Jane for the wonderful 3 weeks of moving, nourishing and believing!

MNB Challenge, Week 2 Recap – Nourish

Hey guys! It’s the weekend! YEY!

We are totally and completely snowed in this week!


I needed a training plan to shovel all that! My back and arms are still sore…

Anyway, back to the business –  today I am going to tell you about Week 2 of the Move. Nourish. Believe Challenge that I am taking part in.

You can find the first week’s recap here if you missed it last Friday.

So, the second week was all about nourishing your body.

{MONDAY} Go Meatless

This week’s Monday was announced to be Meatless Monday by the challenge hosts Fit Approach and Lorna Jane Active.

The name speaks for itself – we had to go meatless.

Meatless Monday

I had oatmeal with honey and frozen raspberries for breakfast, pasta salad for lunch and Thai food (salmon, fried rice with veggies and tofu, and rice noodles) for dinner as it was Simon’s birthday and we went out to eat.

{TUESDAY} Bring your lunch to work

Tuesday was Bring Your Lunch to Work day. That one was easy for me – even though I didn’t get my usual massive food prep done last weekend (as I spent most of it in my Spinning Instructor Training), I still managed to prep salads for a couple of week day lunches and also took some leftover fried rice with veggies and tofu to work with me from the night before.


{WEDNESDAY} Write it down!

On Wednesday the challenge was to journal our food and show what we ate (another easy one for me since I do it every day with MyFitnessPal).




{THURSDAY} Thirsty Thursday

On Thursday the challenge was to make a healthy smoothie. Another easy one for me! I usually make a smoothie every morning and take it to work with me to have as a morning snack as I have breakfast pretty early and usually get hungry by 10:30 am.

Carrot Cake Smoothie

So, the Thursday smoothie was:

1 carrot cake popsicle

1 frozen banana

2 tbsp. Activia Greek yogurt (vanilla)

1/2 cup almond milk

1 tsp agave nectar

1 tsp sliced almonds (to garnish)

3-4 frozen raspberries (to garnish)

1/4 tsp chia seeds (to garnish)

{FRIDAY} Go raw!

Now, that was a heard one for me… even though I love salads, fruit, veggies and smoothies.

I did some the day before:


So all I had to do on Friday was stick to the plan! That made it a lot easier for sure.

Breakfast smoothie: spinach, kale, celery, avocado, frozen banana, almond milk

Breakfast smoothie: spinach, kale, celery, avocado, frozen banana, almond milk

Lunch was an all-veggie salad with spinach, avocado, cucumber, bell pepper, red onions, corn and pepitas.


Dinner unfortunately was not raw…hubby took me out to eat for Valentine’s day, so my plan did not work 🙁

Now – on to Week 3 of the challenge – the Believe part! Stay tuned for the recap next weekend.

Question: have you ever tried raw eating? What did you think of that?

Stay fit, friends!


Dreams Come True – Awesome Weekend Adventures

Hey guys! How was your weekend? Mine was AWESOME!

As you probably remember, I had becoming a Spinning® instructor as one of my New Year’s Resolutions.

Well, this past Saturday I went for my Instructor Training session at the East Shore YMCA in Harrisburg, PA. It was a full day of training + 2 awesome rides – all done by an incredible Master Instructor Meg McNeely.

Gosh…where do I begin?

Well, first of all, for over a year I had no idea that the classes I was taking were not actually Spinning® classes. They were indoor cycling classes – thanks to Meg and Mad Dogg Athletics, Inc. – now I know what Spinning® really is 🙂

With this knowledge came a lot of revelations (mostly unpleasant) – starting with the basic moves I’d performed in cycling classes for the past year and a half being not so good for me, and ending with the whole different philosophy behind Spinning® classes as opposed to the classes I’d been taking… and unfortunately, I was not alone. 13 other people in the group were sitting there nodding their heads as Meg described the misuse of the terms Spinning®, Spin® and Spinner® and the basic moves used in indoor cycling classes that don’t do you any good and may be harmful.

This training was an eye opening experience!

I didn’t really have time to take any pictures except my Polar FT40 screen after rides.

Ride 1

Ride 1

Ride 2

Ride 2

I still have to pass the online assessment and get my instructor card, but I now have the Certificate of Completion of the instructor training which gives me the right to start teaching.


I am SO excited!

Now on to looking for a place to teach and continuing my education as an instructor. So far I have one place expressing interest I my services. We’ll see what happens!

Meanwhile I have a lot of work to do profiling classes, choosing music and thinking it all through while learning-learning-learning.

On a slightly unrelated subject – I have just been accepted to be a Sweat Pink Ambassador!!!

I have been waiting for a loooong time for this to happen. First, Fit Approach didn’t have their application process open when I first found them, then they opened it, I applied and waited and waited 🙂 I am SO excited to finally become a part of this wonderful community and to be their Ambassador. Thank you, Fit Approach!

Thank you, my wonderful friends, blog readers and my family – for your constant support and encouragement in what I do. I wouldn’t be able to do it without you!

Now I better go check what else was there on my Resolutions list and get cracking 😉

Stay fit, my dears!
