Dinner action and more fitness plans!

Hello there, my friends!

Last night was a new dinner recipe time at our household! I have originally found the recipe on Pinterest. It is from Kalyn’s Kitchen website and it is for Roasted Green Beans with Mushrooms.

I had some green beans and mushrooms in the fridge, Tuesday was my no exercise day – all the stars have lined up perfectly for me to be a good wife for once and make dinner for the family with a new recipe.

Here is the original picture from Kalyn:

Kalyn has a wonderful website with a lot of great recipes and a printer friendly version of recipes you can grab, print and put into your recipe box.

Everyone loved the roasted beans last night. I guess my only adjustment to it next time would be a lower cooking temperature – I like the beans a little more crunchy.


On the fitness front:

I have been thinking about becoming a certified spinning instructor for a while now…Not that I have made any certain plans yet, but I did some “Google it” research and here is what I have found out:

God bless America – when it comes to official stuff (documents, certificates, etc) – it is not as complicated as in other parts of the world.

According to www.spinning.com there is an instructor training workshop coming up in DC this Sunday. So: for $325 + travel expenses (which for me is a couple hours drive each way) you take the workshop and become eligible for taking an online assessment test, and if you pass (unlimited number of attempts) – you’re good to teach for 2 years. Of course, you will also have to earn 14 points during those 2 years by attending workshops and other continuing education events in order to be able to renew your certification.

I have also found an online test for spinning instructors yesterday, which I tried taking and passed (!!!!) I can’t seem to find the website today, though 🙂 Anyway, I have a conspiracy plan now – I want to get the family out to DC for a weekend and while they are wondering around the city, I could take the workshop! Not going to happen this Sunday, but hey – I already know what I have to do, and this is part of the success!

Stay fit, friends and pursue your dreams!

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