Hello, my friends! How have you been this week?
Hope you’re doing well on this beautiful day!
Today I am sharing the things I’m loving lately/great things happening in my life/exciting news – Five on Friday.
{{ONE}} Our 2nd Wedding Anniversary and Trip to NYC!
I will post the trip recap some time this week. This One of Five is about this awesome guy I met years ago and married 2 years ago – best “YES” I ever said!
He is my best friend, my one and only and I am SO lucky to have such a wonderful man by my side!
{{TWO}} Mantra Bands!
Aren’t they awesome?
I found these online and I was obsessed ever since. Head over to the Mantra Band and order your own to help you stay motivated on your fitness or any other journey!
{{THREE}} My latest kitchen gadget – crock pot!
Now this is a blessing for a family of 4 where both mom and dad work full time. I’m sure you know, but I just love saying it – throw the ingredients in, turn on, leave for work, come back to a delicious hot meal – that is what a crock pot is and I can’t believe it took me so long to get one.
Look at these wonderful things you can make in a crock pot:

if you add too much water to it like I did – you get soup instead of the stew, which is not too bad either
{{FOUR}} My upcoming trip to Russia in November!!!
Super excited about it! I haven’t seen my family and friends for 2 long years!!!!
Got tickets in my pocket – leaving on November 27 and coming back on December 11. 2 weeks with my dearest ones! CAN’T WAIT!
{{FIVE}} Overnight Oats
Gotta love those! Easy and quick breakfast for week days. Just combine oats, almond milk and chia/flax seeds in a jar and refrigerate!
Take out of the fridge in the morning, heat up, add fruit, nuts, etc.. and your healthy breakfast is ready!
Your turn!
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