Hey, guys! Long time no post, huh?
I know…I know… Time to catch up and get back to my blog!
Today I am back with Five on Friday, which pretty much sums up what I have been up to while I wasn’t here with you. So, here we go!
{{ONE}} Christmas!
Where I come from, New Year is a lot bigger celebration than Christmas, and Christmas is celebrated on a different date, too (January 7). However, I came to love this wonderful holiday since I moved to the US. I love seeing smiles on people’s faces, giving and receiving presents and, of course, eating all the yummy things being cooked around this time of year!
We had a beautiful Christmas tree with a lot of presents under it!
And the kitty who thought those were all his gifts:
I got a great present (one of many)!

Braun Single Serve Blender!
Oh, now you just wait until I start blending those wonderful smoothies and sharing recipes with you 🙂
{{TWO}} Christmas Food – That’s Right, a Separate One for This!
Don’t you love Christmas for all the wonderful foods that bring back the memories of childhood, and make you feel safe and happy? I do! And since I am not American, I brought a little bit of my home to this year’s Christmas table.

Russian potato salad – “Olivye”

Crepes stuffed with cottage cheese and raisins
Oh, and of course we had to make cookies to honor the American traditions!
By the way, did you know the story of the Peanut Butter Blossoms? Check it out here!
We also had a beautiful center piece for the Christmas table that I brought back from my company’s Christmas Party:
{{THREE}} The Evil Stepmother Speaks
A little over 2 years ago I became a wife to a wonderful man, and a step-mother to 2 great kids. As great as they are, it wasn’t all cakes and flowers between us. The kids struggled with getting used to having me in their life full time, having to share their daddy with me, finding a place for me in the new family paradigm, adjusting to the changes I brought into the family….Throw in the adjustment due to being newly weds who had never lived together before and you got a pretty “explosive” mix there. I was blessed with great kids who were trying their hardest to adjust, be nice and loving.  With the most wonderful husband, who has been my shoulder to cry on, my biggest supporter and The Man of the family. With an understanding and kind ex-wife who stayed out of the way when it came to our house vs. her house, our life and our decisions. Who has been my silent supporter all the way for the sake of her kids’ happiness.
Even with all that – we have had and are still having issues, difficulties, tension and disagreements, which are bound to happen in any step-family.
Having no friends around to vent to, what do you do? Right, you get online and Google the “happy step-family”. So I did.
I am very happy to have found Barb Goldberg’s blog that I read as a book – cover to cover. I am thankful for the feeling of not being alone on this anymore that reading her blog gave me. (And for oh so many “Thank God, I thought I was crazy” relief sighs that I took while reading her blog).
I don’t agree with everything she writes about. Not everything she writes about applies to me and my situation, but I can certainly relate to a lot of what she is saying. Thank you, Barb, for the hope you gave me with your blog posts! They are so inspiring and motivating!
{{FOUR}} Dr. Kevin Leman and the Birth Order Factor
To continue educating myself on the subject mentioned above, I grabbed my Nook and started looking for books to read to find answers to the questions I have about stepfamilies and step parenting.
I stumbled upon Dr. Kevin Leman’s works on birth order and how it effects the relationships in families. I downloaded his book “Living in a step family without getting stepped on”, and even though the book is mostly about blended families where both spouses have kids from previous marriages, I found it to be a great resource to understanding how the whole family dynamics works, and where the issues come from. Great read!
{{FIVE}}Â Back to Working Out
For the past month (oh my God…was it really THAT long?) my exercise has been very sporadic…2 weeks in Russia where all I did was walking from dinner table to dinner table, then Christmas with all the cookies and other delicious foods and practically no activity! It is time to get back on track here!

I did go to my regular Monday spin class!
Tonight – yoga, and my usual Saturday Double tomorrow with my hubby joining me for the spin class part of it. How exciting is that?
And that concludes my Five on Friday post!
Your turn!
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