Healthy breakfast, Salad Recipe and more

Good afternoon, friends!

Sad news here – looks like I have pulled my hamstring while running/doing yoga on Sunday. It is swollen and it hurts when I walk. Not too bad, but I am taking it easy on the exercise this week – had to cancel my spinning class yesterday and on Wednesday. I hope it gets better by Saturday so I could take Gretchen’s spinning class even if I have to just take it easy. Her class is a lot of fun and besides, she is moving back to Georgia beginning of June, so this is my last chance to take her class.

But of course I will take care of myself and I will not go if it doesn’t heal until Saturday.

On a brighter side – healthy dinner side last night. The salad’s official name is “What’s in Your Fridge?” Simply because it contains everything I could find in mine:

  • Lettuce
  • Black beans (canned, drained, rinsed)
  • Avocado
  • Cucumber
  • Purple onion
  • Shredded cheese
  • Grape tomatoes
  • Fresh parsley

I am not a big fan of dressings, so I just add some salt, pepper and olive oil to mine. Great left-overs for lunch today!


Also, Carmen and I made muffins last night. That was unhealthy but very delicious 🙂



And…this morning was the healthy breakfast morning to compensate for the muffins last night 🙂



Oh well, since I am “immobilized” for  a while, I will concentrate on healthy recipes.

Stay fit, friends and take care of yourselves.

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