Black Beans and Mango Salad Recipe

Hello, friends!

I hope your week is going well so far and you’re all ready for a new salad recipe to go on your menu 🙂

As always I am just throwing stuff I have in my fridge together in a salad bowl, so here you go!Continue Reading

Weekend Round-up: Father’s Day, Orzo Salad Recipe and a New Yogi in the Family

Hello, friends!

Where did the weekend go? It feels like it was Friday night just 5 minutes ago!

We were busy this weekend! Lots of pool time, yard/patio work, planting, Father’s Day fuss…So here are the highlights of the past weekend.Continue Reading

Open face egg-provolone cheese sandwich, healthy snacks and all – no guilt!

Hello, friends and good Friday morning to you.

Yesterday was another “new” breakfast morning for me. Being definitely tired of the usual fruit salad, I have gone all creative. With what we had in the fridge, here’s the breakfast I came up with: Open face egg-provolone cheese sandwich.Continue Reading

Breakfast scramble, grilled scallops and veggie kebabs, and grilled rainbow trout

Hello, friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Thursday.

Yesterday morning I woke up with the thought that I should try something new for breakfast (was getting tired of my usual fruit salad).

Since it was still early and I had time, I quickly pulled up a recipe in my memory that I’d found earlier and made this wonderful Breakfast Scramble:Continue Reading

Black beans, avocado and olives salad recipe

Hello, friends!

Tonight was a “create your own salad” night in my kitchen. While husband was grilling away (boneless, skinless chicken thighs), I put together this salad. So, here we go, recipe below. Enjoy!Continue Reading

Lean Ground Turkey Pasta Recipe, Breakfast and Lunch Ideas

Hello, my friends!

It’s been a busy couple days here…

Breakfast yesterday morning had to be quick and easy to make since Carmen took a while to wake up and get dressed, and I was running out of time. So I threw together one of my favorites – fruit sandwich on a light English muffin:Continue Reading

Carlisle Family YMCA community day photo, dinner on fire and healthy lunch

Hello, friends!

Last night was a “hot” night at our house for many reasons. First of all, it was hot outside – not as hot as last weekend, but still pretty uncomfortable.

Secondly, last night’s spinning class with Melissa was HOT! I don’t know why but this time I was sweating more from the heat in the room than from the workout. The class was great though, as always! I love Melissa’s classes because they are paced in a way to give you an opportunity to check your limits without forcing you to. In other words, it is not a “Go! Go! Go!” class where you have no time to adjust/think/catch a breath, but the one where you get a chance to ask yourself: “Can I do better? Can I go faster? Can I have more pressure on the wheel?” And the wonderful thing about her class is that there is “room” for it in the routine. Love Melissa’s class!Continue Reading

Weekend Round-Up: grilled vegetables recipe, Saturday spinning, and lots of pool time

Hello, friends!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Mine was hectic, busy but a lot of fun!

It started with a “weekly Saturday double” – spinning and yoga at the Y. This time my favorite instructor (Jim) was teaching both spinning and yoga, and my hubby decided to come to the spinning class with me (how awesome is that?)!Continue Reading