Tribute to a Dear Friend

This weekend has been incredibly sad and emotional couple of days. In fact, the emotions, unlike the weekend, have not gone anywhere and are still with me, as they will be for a long long time.

On Saturday I lost a very dear friend of mine…Suddenly and so unexpectedly that it is heart breaking to even think about…

Her name was Vera, and she was just 33 years old.

September 4, 2010. Aluminum of Siberia Conference

September 4, 2010. Aluminum of Siberia Conference

We first met back in September of a year ages ago, at a conference in Russia. Working in the same field we both had heard about each other, but first met officially back then.

She then became my boss and soon – a close friend.

December, 2009. Company NY party.

December, 2009. Company NY party.

The one who can make you laugh like this.

February 19, 2011. Playing paintball.

February 19, 2011. Playing paintball.

The one who makes you feel that goofing around like this is a perfectly normal thing to do:

February 19, 2011, playing paintball

February 19, 2011, playing paintball

The one who can play pool like a real man! 🙂

March 5, 2010

March 5, 2010

The one you go “Whaaaaaat???” with at the same time because you think alike and feel the same way.

March 11, 2011. Bowling party.

March 11, 2011. Bowling party.

The one who will sing karaoke with you on a boat in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night and hold up the flashlight to help you see the list of songs.

July, 2010 - middle of nowhere

July, 2010 – middle of nowhere

The one you can call if you feel like eating steaks in the middle of the night, and who says “Pick ya up in 10 minutes” to that crazy offer.

August 28, 2010. James Shark Pub

August 28, 2010. James Shark Pub

The one who offers to drive you 300 miles to your mom’s just to have a chance to talk while in the car because she hasn’t seen you for 2 years.

December, 2010

December, 2010

The one you keep in your heart no matter where life takes you.

April, 2011. Team Building

April, 2011. Team Building

The one who asks you to be her Maid of Honor for her wedding day…

September 2011

September 2011

The one who sends you flowers half way around the world on your wedding day.


September 2011

The one who is always there for you – no matter how far, how long, how whatever…

March 11, 2011

March 11, 2011

I will miss you greatly, my friend…and the good times we had together.

They just haven’t come up with the right words in any language yet to describe how much I miss you already, and how deep of a void your passing left in my heart.

Rest in piece, Verushka.