Carlisle Family YMCA community day photo, dinner on fire and healthy lunch

Hello, friends!

Last night was a “hot” night at our house for many reasons. First of all, it was hot outside – not as hot as last weekend, but still pretty uncomfortable.

Secondly, last night’s spinning class with Melissa was HOT! I don’t know why but this time I was sweating more from the heat in the room than from the workout. The class was great though, as always! I love Melissa’s classes because they are paced in a way to give you an opportunity to check your limits without forcing you to. In other words, it is not a “Go! Go! Go!” class where you have no time to adjust/think/catch a breath, but the one where you get a chance to ask yourself: “Can I do better? Can I go faster? Can I have more pressure on the wheel?” And the wonderful thing about her class is that there is “room” for it in the routine. Love Melissa’s class!

Here’s the recap:


When I got home after the class (sweaty and hungry), the dinner was in the oven. Simon made it last night! It was a wonderful recipe of pork tenderloin with herbs and lemon zest, and he is a very good cook so I was really looking forward to it. I glanced in the oven to see the masterpiece and saw….fire! It was a typical grease fire…some grease got on the bottom of the oven and set in on fire. Nothing major, so we were able to put it out rather quickly. My husband took the pork and put it on the grill to finish cooking…Guess what happened? Yep, the grill got on fire, too 🙂

That one took a while to put out but my hubs was brave and pissed off – 2 forces that can conquer anything when combined.

After the fires were out, pork still uncooked and everybody pissed off, hubs and C were sent to the swim club to cool down and I finished cooking the pork after cleaning the oven from grease. Simon was upset it didn’t work out the first time around, but I think it made him feel better that the pork turned out well after all and everybody loved it!

I had some of it on my sandwich for lunch today:



Last Saturday at Jim’s spinning class, I saw a photographer coming into the room and sneaking some pictures of us. Imagine my surprise when I saw a picture of myself spinning hard posted on the Carlisle Family YMCA Facebook page as part of their recently held Community Day photo album:)

6-1-13 YMCA_Jims spinning class1

Love this pic with my spinning buddies and me so concentrated on my bike’s monitor 🙂

Stay fit, friends, and have a great Tuesday!

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