Breakfast scramble, grilled scallops and veggie kebabs, and grilled rainbow trout

Hello, friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Thursday.

Yesterday morning I woke up with the thought that I should try something new for breakfast (was getting tired of my usual fruit salad).

Since it was still early and I had time, I quickly pulled up a recipe in my memory that I’d found earlier and made this wonderful Breakfast Scramble:Continue Reading

Black beans, avocado and olives salad recipe

Hello, friends!

Tonight was a “create your own salad” night in my kitchen. While husband was grilling away (boneless, skinless chicken thighs), I put together this salad. So, here we go, recipe below. Enjoy!Continue Reading

Baked Salmon Recipe and a Great Orzo Salad Recipe Find

Hello, friends and happy Friday!

This is a food and food only post – the week was pretty uneventful in terms of exercising as I had a couple appointments in the evenings which conflicted with my gym schedule.

It is miserably rainy and gray outside – so no fun activities and outings….What do you do on a day like this? EAT! Just make sure you eat healthy 🙂 So here comes the healthy food post.Continue Reading

Lean Ground Turkey Pasta Recipe, Breakfast and Lunch Ideas

Hello, my friends!

It’s been a busy couple days here…

Breakfast yesterday morning had to be quick and easy to make since Carmen took a while to wake up and get dressed, and I was running out of time. So I threw together one of my favorites – fruit sandwich on a light English muffin:Continue Reading

Weekend Round-Up: grilled vegetables recipe, Saturday spinning, and lots of pool time

Hello, friends!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Mine was hectic, busy but a lot of fun!

It started with a “weekly Saturday double” – spinning and yoga at the Y. This time my favorite instructor (Jim) was teaching both spinning and yoga, and my hubby decided to come to the spinning class with me (how awesome is that?)!Continue Reading

Grilling is King + Mini Strawberry Tart Recipe

Happy Friday, friends!

I am so happy this work week is almost over – it has been mad busy at work these last 4 days. As my husband says – it is not a short work week, it is 5 working days’ worth of work jammed into 4. I couldn’t agree more!

Last night was my “take a break from exercise” night. We were planning on going out to play tennis, but by the time we made and ate dinner, we were both so tired that we decided to just take it easy.

Dinner was great! One of the ten million reasons I love summer is grilling. I love grilled food! And every summer my husband is just grilling away 🙂Continue Reading

Saturday: fruit salad+vitamin water+”A-las-Greek” salad recipes

Happy weekend, friends!

It is a windy but gorgeous day here in PA. Still way too cold for going swimming!

Saturday morning I woke up bright and early (Me? Bright and early? I know, right.) and went for my spinning class with Gretchen. I have told you already that Gretchen is a great instructor! It was a very good workout, I “rode” a good number of miles and burnt some serious calories in her class. It was sad though because it was her last class here at the Y and I am really going to miss her.Continue Reading

Strawberry/Banana Smoothie Recipe

Got home and decided to make myself a smoothie!

Honestly, got inspired by this pin and a bunch of beautiful ripe strawberries I had in the fridge.

So, here are the ingredients (excluding ice cubes):Continue Reading

Down-sizing, Buffalo Chicken Wreath Recipe and Injury Healing

Hello, friends!

First things first – my injury seems to be healing well – a lot less swollen and doesn’t hurt to walk nearly as much. Fingers crossed, I will be able to go to Gretchen’s spinning class this Saturday.

Second things second – Mrs. Lena went down another size in clothes! God bless yoga for this – I am now size 8! Got off the double digits 😉

Thought I’d share some “before” photos with you today. Even though I haven’t reached my goal weight yet, it is very encouraging to see the progress.Continue Reading

Healthy breakfast, Salad Recipe and more

Good afternoon, friends!

Sad news here – looks like I have pulled my hamstring while running/doing yoga on Sunday. It is swollen and it hurts when I walk. Not too bad, but I am taking it easy on the exercise this week – had to cancel my spinning class yesterday and on Wednesday. I hope it gets better by Saturday so I could take Gretchen’s spinning class even if I have to just take it easy. Her class is a lot of fun and besides, she is moving back to Georgia beginning of June, so this is my last chance to take her class.

But of course I will take care of myself and I will not go if it doesn’t heal until Saturday.

On a brighter side – healthy dinner side last night. The salad’s official name is “What’s in Your Fridge?” Simply because it contains everything I could find in mine:Continue Reading

Dinner action and more fitness plans!

Hello there, my friends!

Last night was a new dinner recipe time at our household! I have originally found the recipe on Pinterest. It is from Kalyn’s Kitchen website and it is for Roasted Green Beans with Mushrooms.

I had some green beans and mushrooms in the fridge, Tuesday was my no exercise day – all the stars have lined up perfectly for me to be a good wife for once and make dinner for the family with a new recipe.Continue Reading