As a yogi who frequently takes classes from various studios and teachers, hands-on assists are often a sensitive subject for me. As a yoga teacher I find it just as challenging to offer hands-on assists to my students. Could this be made easier for both parties? Yes! Find out how.
Lean Lena Lately: Personal Post
So… hello, friends 🙂
It’s been a while… I needed to take some time off this blog (well, “some time” being the entire month of January, to be precise) to get my life stuff all sorted out and to re-focus.
It’s been quite a long time since I posted anything personal on this blog as it has grown and become more of a resource website for instructors teaching TRX® and indoor cycling or Spinning®. Today’s post is personal. VERY personal. We’ll be back to our regular broadcasting after this one, but I do owe you this post so that you know what’s going on and where all this is going.
Here we go…Continue Reading
Yoga Class: My 4 Stages of Practice
“Om Monday”, anyone? 🙂 I will be talking about yoga, yoga classes, yoga styles and practices on the blog on Mondays now as part of my “Om Monday” blog series. No set in stone schedule for that one yet, but will see if it works out into something regular. Ready?
Yoga: Chasing Another Dream.
I’ve been practicing yoga for many years and in several countries. I’ve been encouraged and inspired by so many yogis and great teachers. Is it time to give back?

Photo credit: Carrie D Photography
Resolutions Anyone?
Hey you, guys! And Happy New Year!
I hope you had a great time off with your loved ones, enjoyed the holidays and all back in the groove now.
New year is the time for resolutions, decisions, new goals and re-evaluation. It is to the point where it is borderline pure pressure and stress, isn’t it? Everyone is asking about your resolutions, sharing theirs, and looking for “resolution buddies”. Uuuurgh! Pressure. I hate pressure. Pressure has the reverse effect on me – the more I am pressured, the less I want to do it. For me, what does the trick is ME actually WANTING to do something. So. Let’s get the pressure off of you and have you relax for a couple minutes while you read this. This post is about me and my goals for 2014 as well as looking back at 2013. No pressure on you, navigate away if you like 🙂 Or…Keep reading 🙂Continue Reading
New Yoga Experience at Simply Well in Carlisle PA, #plankaday Day 4
Hello, my friends.
Happy hump day! From now on it is downhill with this work week – closer and closer to the fun of the weekend. So hang in there if you are not having a very good week, and keep it up if you are having a great time.
Meanwhile, I will tell you what I’ve been up to yesterday.Continue Reading
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