Last week I was talking to my mom who had just returned from a trip back to the town where she grew up. She was telling me how wonderful it was to go back and how amazing the food tasted.
I’ve noticed it myself when I moved to the US – the food tasted differently, even if you take the same ingredients and follow the recipe to a T.
But I digress. She mentioned having delicious crêpes made with whole fresh milk and eggs. Now, we’re talking Russia here, pretty far away from France. Crêpes?
Yes, in fact they are pretty popular. You’ll hear the name “blini”, which is sometimes translated as “pancakes”. Given that the pancakes are much thicker and there is a different word in the Russian language for those thicker pancakes, and it’s not “blini”, the closest concept would be crêpes. They taste like crêpes, too.
So anyway, my mom got me craving Russian crêpes so I asked her for a recipe which she gladly shared with me, and I’m sharing with you.
Crepes Recipe
- 4 cups milk, divided (I used 2 cups whole milk and 2 cups almond milk)
- 2 eggs
- ½ cup vegetable oil
- a pinch of salt
- a pinch of sugar
- approx. 4-5 cups of flour
- 2 tbsp. butter
- If using two types of milk, mix them together.
- Warm 2 cups of milk in the microwave to room temperature.
- Beat 2 eggs with oil, salt and sugar.
- Stir in 2 cups of warm milk.
- Add flour until the mix is the consistency of thick pancake mix.
- Heat up the rest of the milk until it's hot (warmer than room temperature) and mix it in.
- When the mix is ready, heat up the pan. Don't grease it.
- Ladle the crepe mix into the pan turning the pan in a circular motion until the mix is evenly and thinly distributed.
- Return to heat.
- Flip over when it starts bubbling.
- Take off the pan onto a plate and spread a very thin layer of butter on top (I just put a piece of butter on a fork and just brush it over the crepe). You can also melt the butter and brush the crepe with a brush dipped in butter.
- Keep stacking them up!
Your turn now!
Don’t forget to visit A Hungry Runner to see what she’s cooking today! Sure is something yummy!
Have a wonderful week and eat well, my friends!
A few things you might need to make those crêpes:
Link ’em up below!

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Making crepes at home always sounds so intimidating; I’m glad to know that there’s an easier way! Thanks for hosting the link up!
Heather@hungryforbalance recently posted…Pumpkin Spice Chocolates
Thanks for stopping by, Heather! Making crepes at home is really not that hard once you get a hang of it 🙂
Looks yummy! I haven’t made crepes in a long time
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…10 Healthy Vegetarian Thanksgiving Sides
I always buy my crepe breakfast on Sunday from a booth at the Farmers Market. I love them!
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