In the spinning room alone, healthy breakfast and lunch ideas

Hello, friends!

Here I am with a cup of coffee and my story of the past couple days. Since I got a little bit out of the rhythm here with my daily posting and Mondays’ weekend recap, today’s post covers Monday and Tuesday. So here we go 🙂

Monday was a very hectic day at work. I didn’t take any pictures or do anything for my blog that day (shame on me). It got much better when I left the office to go to my Monday spinning class with Melissa at the Y.

I got there first, there was nobody in the room so I snapped a couple pictures to share with you, guys.



As people started coming in for the class, I took this picture with the idea in mind of showing you where my every spinning class begins.


My plan was to take a picture at the end of the class like I usually do to show you the results. Well, guess what? While I was stretching after the class, my bike’s monitor totally wiped out the results! So you will just have to take my word for it – I went for 11 miles and burnt 500 calories 🙂

Right after spinning class I went to the pool to meet up with my husband and Carmen. It was a long, hot and busy day…None of us wanted to spend any time cooking that evening so I found my husband by the pool with 2 Subway sandwiches in his hands – one for me and one for him. Oh well, aren’t we all guilty of eating that kind of food every now and then. 🙂

Tuesday morning brought me back on track with a healthy lunch:


What’s in the sandwich: 1/3 less fat Philadelphia cream cheese, 1/2 banana, 8 big blueberries – on a potato bun.

For lunch I had a backed sweet potato and the veggie mix of potatoes, onions and acorn squash.


For dinner we had steak with veggie salad with sausage and macaroni salad.


And here’s a snap shot to sum it up:


Those were my last couple days in a nutshell 🙂

I hope you’re having a wonderful week so far!

Stay fit, friends!

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