This indoor cycling class profile and playlist sure is a double trouble! All the challenging parts of the class come in sets of 2!
Hey, guys! Time for another indoor cycling class profile and playlist here on the blog!
I’ve been really busy in the past few weeks so I was re-using my older profiles and playlists for my classes. This is one of them where I went back and reviewed the ride, adding cues, changing drills and perfecting the routine. I hope you like how it turned out!
Indoor Cycling Class Profile and Playlist: Doubles
Class duration: 45 minutes
iTunes Playlist:
Spotify Playlist (follow me there):
Class Builder PDF: Ride 35 – Doubles
Before you dive into the class description and notes below, open my Class Builder App Glossary in case you need to decode my terminology.
“I don’t know what Class Builder is”.
Class Notes:
1: “Larger Than Life”, Backstreet Boys – Warm up. Start Warming up on a flat road with very light resistance and cadence within the range of 80-110 RPM. Alternate Seated/Standing Flat with a seated acceleration at the end.
2: “I Love Rock ‘N’ Roll”, Britney Spears – Seated/Standing Climb. Here’s where your first Double starts. Part one of it is a seated/standing gradient climb. Add resistance every time right before returning to the saddle after standing climb.
3: “Desert Rose”, Sting – Seated/Standing Climb. Add more resistance in the beginning to take you to a steeper climb and find your rhythm between 60 and 75 RPM. Increase resistance one more time to bring your cadence down to 60-70 RPM and come up. Alternate seated/standing – returning to the same cadence every time you go back in the saddle and “attacking” the hill with 2-3 RPM increase in cadence every time you transition to standing climb.
4: “Summer Of ’69”, Bryan Adams – Active Recovery. Congratulate you class on completing their first Double and take a 1 minute recovery on flat road @ 80-110 RPM. Ask your riders to choose their base comfortable cadence in that range, then accelerate by 5-10 RPM. Come up for a run at the end of this segment to gain momentum, return to the saddle and to the faster cadence till the end of the song.
5: “Freedom”, Anthony Hamilton & Elayna Boynton – Seated/Standing Climb. That’s Double #2 right there. It starts with adding the “base” of the hill in the beginning (moderate resistance). Alternate seated climb with standing “attacks” (out of the saddle, HP3, faster pace) adding more resistance after returning to the saddle.
6: “Right Here Waiting (Dance Mix)”, DJ Skillmaster – Sprints on a Hill – the fun part of the Double #2 starts here! Keep the resistance from the previous segment and perform sprints. Make it interactive and ask one of your riders to count down from 15 to 1 to time the sprint (different rider each time). The person counting does not have to sprint And yes, I couldn’t think of any better way to cue it in Class Builder than “Gimme 15”
7: “That Don’t Impress Me Much”, Shania Twain – Very active recovery. Take a 1:24 recovery on flat road @ 80-110 RPM. Ask your riders to choose their base comfortable cadence in that range, then accelerate by 5-10 RPM at set times throughout this segment.
8: “It’s a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock ‘N’ Roll)”, AC/DC – Seated/Standing Climb. Final Double. Start by adding the base of the hill. Continue climbing – alternating standing climb, then adding resistance and returning to the saddle for the seated part. On the last seated climb section – pick up your pace by 5 RPM after going back in the saddle.
9: “Enter Sandman”, Metallica – Seated/ Standing Climb. In the beginning of this section add resistance to get you on a very steep hill (cadence range 60-70 RPM). Perform standing attacks with accelerations by just a couple RPM’s. Make this segment the top effort of the class by combining adequate resistance and speed.
10: “Heartbreaker (2005 Remaster)”, Pat Benatar – Race to finish. You’re done with those doubles! All you need to do now is race to that finish line that’s just around the corner! Briefly recover in the beginning of this segment, then choose a challenging cadence and accelerate several times throughout this section to break away from the pack.
11: “Native New Yorker (Radio Edit)”, Odyssey – Cool down and stretching. You made it to the finish line! Have a drink of that water and toast this Double Trouble adventure you’ve just completed successfully. Slow down throughout this segment allowing your HR to come down. Whenever ready, get off the bike to stretch.
And that’s the Doubles, you guys Please, share if you like this post:
I hope you have a wonderful week.
Ride on!
Need more ideas for your Spinning® Class / Indoor Cycling Class? Check out my other cycling class profiles and playlists.
New to teaching? I have a whole page with resources just for new instructors!
Ready to go to the next level? Join Indoor Cycling Association!
Please note that while I make every effort to capture and present these indoor cycling class / Spinning class profiles accurately, the class profiles and class descriptions posted on this blog do not constitute complete instruction for teaching the indoor cycling class / Spinning class.
No statement is made to the suitability or otherwise of the indoor cycling profiles presented on this blog. Care must always be taken when riding an indoor cycle. Please, consult your physician before starting an exercise program.
The indoor cycling class / Spinning class profiles presented are not meant to be exercise and/or personal recommendations, but only examples of workouts that the author completed in the past. The owner and authors of these cycling class profiles will not be responsible or liable for any injury, illness or death resulting from the use of the information contained in this article.
Love the old school ACDC and Pat B in the mix! Have a great weekend
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…A Day In The Life #FitBlogger #Mom #MRTT
Thanks, Deborah! You as well
I love that you started with the Backstreet Boys and later Metallica! A strange combo but gets you going.
Andrea recently posted…The Best Of A South Pacific Cruise Vacation
Thanks, Andrea! I have a mixed crowd in my classes (age wise) so I’m trying to “hit” all of them
I’ve never taken a spin class and even seen a workout plan for one. This is fascinating! Too bad the bike in my apartment gym doesn’t change resistance anymore. It’s stuck on a hard setting. I can get a good leg strength workout, but not really a cardio spin workout.
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Yay always love a good playlist! I teach in the morning, may have to check out one or two of these rides!
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