Spinning, family bicycling and yoga

Hello, friends.

It’s been a fun couple days here in Carlisle, PA! On Friday night I was so tired after work, I decided to just chill and go for a bike ride instead of doing my usual 5:30 pm yoga class (it’s been a routine changing week!). When I told Carmen and my husband about that, they said they wanted to come along! So Friday night workout turned into a fun family event. Here is us getting ready for the ride:



We biked around Dickinson field on a bike trail, a bit around town and ended with ice cream at Massy’s Frozen Custard (how awesome is that?):



The weather was perfect for biking – no wind, sunny and not too warm.

For the Saturday double today I did Lisa’s spinning class, which was amazing as always. Now that I know her teaching style a little, I started off with a lot less pressure on the wheel than last time. She gets you to add a lot during the class and she doesn’t really have you take the pressure off the wheel throughout the class. So my adjustment worked perfectly – starting off easy on the wheel and gradually adding through the class. It was a lot easier on my knees this time and I still got a great workout.

Here’s my result after I stopped the wheel at the end of the class:


And our spinning room at the Y:


Next up was a very relaxing yoga class taught by Fiona (subbing for Jim). Got some great stretching out of  it and came out all rested and balanced.

What was your weekend fun this weekend?

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