Weekend Highlights: Carmen’s Salad Recipe, Spinning and Kitty Time

Hello, friends!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and managed to stay fit and not overeat in this time of barbecues and other food fests 🙂

My weekend was very relaxing – with a lot of time spent by the pool with my family  (well, it’s that time of year!)Continue Reading

The Best Smoothie Recipe I’ve Ever Tried!

Happy Friday, friends!

I hope you had a good and productive week and are ready for the weekend. I know I am!

First things first – as promised in the headline, here’s the best smoothie recipe I came up with so far. Really liked it! So here we go.Continue Reading

Herb Chicken Tortellini, Basil and Pine Nuts Pesto Recipe, Fitness Motivation

Hello, friends!

This is an “a little bit of everything” Thursday post 🙂

Continue Reading

Spinning, Summer Vegetable Salad Recipe and More

Hello, friends!

I had an absolutely wonderful spinning class on Monday night! I am still taking it easy, but what I noticed is that even if you’re trying to take it easy, your legs are still as strong as they are and go at their own pace. No matter how hard I try to make it easier, my legs have their own comfort zone they stay in/go out of. And it is a wonderful feeling to realize that your mind-set comfort zone is different from your actual physical comfort zone! So here’s the recap of Monday night’s spinning adventure:Continue Reading

Weekend Recap – Lots of Good Food, Spinning+Yoga, and Seafood Pasta Recipe

Good Monday afternoon, friends (I hope it is good for you)!

I have had a wonderful weekend with my husband (no kids this weekend) – a lot of pool and sun time, good food and exercise.

It feels so good to be back to my routine! My leg is almost completely healed, so I did my Saturday double this weekend! I tried to take it easy (especially in my spinning class), but somehow I still managed to burn my usual calories and do the usual distance almost during that one. Must be because it was Robin’s class and she ROCKS!Continue Reading

Sweet Potato Wedges Recipe. No More Running?

Hello, friends!

Thank God it’s Friday! It was a busy week, with almost no exercise, which made me feel terribly uncomfortable – you know that feeling when you leave for the airport and can’t shake off the thought that you’d left something behind, something that you need on the trip? That was my feeling exactly this past week. Oh well, the knee is much better, and hopefully I can get back on track with my exercise here soon (more on that later in the post).Continue Reading

Black Beans and Mango Salad Recipe

Hello, friends!

I hope your week is going well so far and you’re all ready for a new salad recipe to go on your menu 🙂

As always I am just throwing stuff I have in my fridge together in a salad bowl, so here you go!Continue Reading

Weekend Round-up: Father’s Day, Orzo Salad Recipe and a New Yogi in the Family

Hello, friends!

Where did the weekend go? It feels like it was Friday night just 5 minutes ago!

We were busy this weekend! Lots of pool time, yard/patio work, planting, Father’s Day fuss…So here are the highlights of the past weekend.Continue Reading

Open face egg-provolone cheese sandwich, healthy snacks and all – no guilt!

Hello, friends and good Friday morning to you.

Yesterday was another “new” breakfast morning for me. Being definitely tired of the usual fruit salad, I have gone all creative. With what we had in the fridge, here’s the breakfast I came up with: Open face egg-provolone cheese sandwich.Continue Reading

Black beans, avocado and olives salad recipe

Hello, friends!

Tonight was a “create your own salad” night in my kitchen. While husband was grilling away (boneless, skinless chicken thighs), I put together this salad. So, here we go, recipe below. Enjoy!Continue Reading

Weekend Round-Up: Spinning+Yoga, Beach Time and lots of photos!

Hello, friends!

Here’s my usual Monday Weekend Round-Up post for you!

On Saturday morning I woke up bright and early to go to my usual Saturday double – spinning and yoga. Looking sleepy but feeling ready to rock!Continue Reading

Baked Salmon Recipe and a Great Orzo Salad Recipe Find

Hello, friends and happy Friday!

This is a food and food only post – the week was pretty uneventful in terms of exercising as I had a couple appointments in the evenings which conflicted with my gym schedule.

It is miserably rainy and gray outside – so no fun activities and outings….What do you do on a day like this? EAT! Just make sure you eat healthy 🙂 So here comes the healthy food post.Continue Reading

Lean Ground Turkey Pasta Recipe, Breakfast and Lunch Ideas

Hello, my friends!

It’s been a busy couple days here…

Breakfast yesterday morning had to be quick and easy to make since Carmen took a while to wake up and get dressed, and I was running out of time. So I threw together one of my favorites – fruit sandwich on a light English muffin:Continue Reading

Healthy breakfast, Salad Recipe and more

Good afternoon, friends!

Sad news here – looks like I have pulled my hamstring while running/doing yoga on Sunday. It is swollen and it hurts when I walk. Not too bad, but I am taking it easy on the exercise this week – had to cancel my spinning class yesterday and on Wednesday. I hope it gets better by Saturday so I could take Gretchen’s spinning class even if I have to just take it easy. Her class is a lot of fun and besides, she is moving back to Georgia beginning of June, so this is my last chance to take her class.

But of course I will take care of myself and I will not go if it doesn’t heal until Saturday.

On a brighter side – healthy dinner side last night. The salad’s official name is “What’s in Your Fridge?” Simply because it contains everything I could find in mine:Continue Reading

Monster spinning workout and tips for dining out

Hello, friends.

Last night I decided to make a one time change to my weekly exercise routine. Usually Wednesday night is my “yoga with Jim” night, but since he is on vacation for two weeks I decided to try something else.Continue Reading