Hey hey! Happy Wednesday 🙂 (man, I’m good at rhyming 🙂 )
How is your week going, guys? Ready for Friday yet? I am! I’m tired…
Anyway, Friday never comes soon enough 🙂 While we’re waiting, let me tell you about what I got in my latest Foodie Pen Pals box.
I was paired up with Sara this month. After a quick exchange of details about our food preferences and dietary restrictions (Sara is vegan) the boxes were finally sent off! Sara and I both got our boxes on the same day 🙂
Here’s what I got in my box of goodies:

Hazelnut cream filled wafers
Aren’t they gorgeous?

These little guys are perfect healthy snack if you’re craving something sweet as cinnamon is a natural sweetener.

Sweet cinnamon roasted chickpeas
Now this was gone within seconds of me opening the box:

Sunflower seed almond butter
Oh and so was this (because, you know, it was just pure coconut):

Coconut snack bar
Larabar? What Larabar? I didn’t get no Larabar!

ALT Larabar that wasn’t there 🙂
Oh by the way, the bag of extremely delicious multigrain snack chips was also not there. No idea what happened to it – must have been lost in transit 🙂

My Foodie Penpals Box
Thank you so much for a wonderful box, Sara! I hope you enjoyed mine as much as I enjoyed yours!
Now time for you, guys, to check out my previous FPP posts to see just how awesome this program is. Here you go:
Convinced to try it yet? 🙂

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