Hey guys! Happy Friday!!!
Here I am again with five things that I am loving lately.
{{ONE}} Conscious box
Oh. My. God. I saw the ads pop up a lot on the internet, and finally decided to try it. The idea behind it is – you subscribe for certain number of months (can be as little as one), and every month you get a box of goodies – all healthy and organic stuff. When I ordered mine, they had a promotion running where you had to pay shipping only and get the first box for free.
Check out some things I got in my box:

and lots of other wonderful things that made me a one happy camper!
Would you like to get a conscious box? Then you need to head over here.
{{TWO}} Lemon Bars
So last weekend I was browsing through Facebook and stumbled upon a great recipe for Lemon Bars.
I have never made those before, I don’t think I ever had one either, but they looked so good and easy to make that I decided to go for it and make a batch.

Aren’t the gorgeous?
You can find the recipe for these wonderful things on Lauren Kelly’s blog.
{{THREE}} Oranges Infused Water
Well, you guys already know from my previous Five on Friday post that I have been addicted to oranges lately. It got worse – now I infuse water with oranges 🙂
{{FOUR}} “Women, Food and God” by Geneen Roth
What a wonderful book!
Buy Women Food and God on Amazon
Initially, I heard about this book from the list of recommended reading for the “Yoga Fit Yoga Lean” certification course with Beth Shaw.
What a wonderful reading it has been! Very refreshing and useful book to read for those who what to look deeper into their relationships with food 🙂
{{FIVE}} My New Food Scale
Long time ago I got myself a food scale. Loved it! So easy when you need to control your portion size or keep track of the recipe ingredients.
Time went by and one day my kitty dumped a pot of dirt onto the scale (didn’t you see it coming?) 🙂 Well, I was “smart” enough to wash it off with water. My scale stopped working…
So I was on the market for a new one. It amazes me how ridiculously expensive these things are! So I went searching on Amazon for two reasons – the prices for these at the store just did not seem reasonable, and reason #2 -me being a lazy busy person. Here’s what I found.
And that concludes my Five on Friday! Have a wonderful weekend, guys, and…
Your turn! Tell me about your Five on Friday!
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