How I started running or Sunday morning coffee inspiration

Sunday was a very special day in my fitness life.
I woke up early that morning (around 7:30 am) even though it was Sunday and I had no place I had to be or things I had to do that early in the morning.
My family was still sound asleep when I was enlightened by an idea while sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee.

I decided to go for a run. As in jogging. As in faster than walking.Continue Reading

Why is my exercise routine not working or “That one Thing”

Hello, friends.

I have received the article below by e-mail at work from one of colleagues.

The article was written by Kirk Ream who is a physical trainer/instructor at Transformations, Training and Fitness (TTF) and essentially it reflects most of the things I believe in when it comes to healthier life style. Kirk’s “Fit4Service” vision focuses on proper balance of 4 areas:  P = Physical, I = Intellectual, E = Emotional and S = Spiritual.

So, are your P.I.E.S.’s balanced?  Read this great article and find out!Continue Reading

Dinner action and more fitness plans!

Hello there, my friends!

Last night was a new dinner recipe time at our household! I have originally found the recipe on Pinterest. It is from Kalyn’s Kitchen website and it is for Roasted Green Beans with Mushrooms.

I had some green beans and mushrooms in the fridge, Tuesday was my no exercise day – all the stars have lined up perfectly for me to be a good wife for once and make dinner for the family with a new recipe.Continue Reading

Mother’s Day and Exciting Fitness Plans

I had a wonderful Mother’s Day! This year the kids were with their mom, so I wasn’t really expecting anything except maybe a phone call. Carmen did call saying she needed to come over to pick something up, and….showed up with a pot flower for me! Brought tears to my eyes…Continue Reading