Indoor Cycling Class Profile: Movie Ride

Hey-hey my wonderful readers!

It’s that time of week again – for all of you, indoor cycling and Spinning® instructors out there – I’m sharing one of my rides’ profile today as part of my blog post series – Weekly Indoor Cycling Class Profile and Playlist.

Today we’re riding to the movies!

I taught this ride a while ago and my class absolutely loved it. I had them guess the movies the songs were from and we had a lot of fun!

indoor cycling class profile Continue Reading

Spinning Class Routine and Playlist – Hills’n’Sprints

This Spinning class routine and playlist continues to be the most popular post on my blog and one of my classes’ most favorite rides. Challenging and fun at the same time. Can’t beat that! spinning class routine

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Profile and Playlist for Indoor Cycling: Muscle Magic

Hey guys! Time to share another profile and playlist with you.

This week’s indoor cycling / Spinning® class profile and playlist is called “Muscle Magic”. It’s designed to build muscle endurance and strength – all by climbing those 4 hills I included into this 45 minute class.

I always enjoy both teaching it, and riding it with my class. I particularly like the playlist for this class – I think it created a great atmosphere  in class. Even my usual Chatty Betty’s were quiet climbing those hills 🙂

profile and playlist Continue Reading

Climbing it: King of the Mountains (Cycling Class Profile)


Climbing is my most favorite part of an indoor cycling or Spinning class. It is such a great drill to make those legs stronger and use the power you already have in them to push yourself a little further!Continue Reading

Ladders Cycling Class Profile and Playlist

Hey my dear cyclists (both out- and indoor)! Here’s your weekly playlist (for those who do their own thing outside/inside) and class profile (if you’re an indoor cycling instructor looking for ideas for your next indoor cycling class).

ladders cycling class profile

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Class Profile and Playlist #6 – Enjoy the Silence

Hey, my fellow Indoor Cycling/Spinning® Instructors, fitness enthusiasts and just my regular readers 🙂

It’s time for the weekly Indoor Cycling / Spinning® Class Profile and Playlist.

class profile

As you guys know, since beginning of October I have my own class on the schedule every Sunday, and that feels AWESOME!

So, for my first Sunday I thought I’d come up with something different.Continue Reading

Cycling Class Profile and Playlist #5 – Ride to the 80’s

Happy Monday, my friends!

This week’s Cycling Class Profile is called “Ride to the 80’s”.

cycling class profile

Special thanks to Sue over at Mrs. Fatass for song ideas! 🙂

I taught this class last Saturday and my riders really enjoyed it. I love teaching Saturday classes – they are one hour long vs. my usual 45 minute class format, which is challenging by itself 🙂 Also, Saturday class is taught by a different instructor every week and usually has better attendance numbers than weekday classes (looking at you, weekend warriors 🙂 ).

And – you never know who’s coming to your Saturday class vs. having your regulars in your usual scheduled classes.

Anyway, I thought I’d do something fun this week – both with the music and the routine.

But before I dive into the drills and routines, here’s a video that inspired me to do one of the fun drills in Saturday class.Continue Reading