Breakfast scramble, grilled scallops and veggie kebabs, and grilled rainbow trout

Hello, friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Thursday.

Yesterday morning I woke up with the thought that I should try something new for breakfast (was getting tired of my usual fruit salad).

Since it was still early and I had time, I quickly pulled up a recipe in my memory that I’d found earlier and made this wonderful Breakfast Scramble:Continue Reading

Weekend Round-Up: Spinning+Yoga, Beach Time and lots of photos!

Hello, friends!

Here’s my usual Monday Weekend Round-Up post for you!

On Saturday morning I woke up bright and early to go to my usual Saturday double – spinning and yoga. Looking sleepy but feeling ready to rock!Continue Reading

Carlisle Family YMCA community day photo, dinner on fire and healthy lunch

Hello, friends!

Last night was a “hot” night at our house for many reasons. First of all, it was hot outside – not as hot as last weekend, but still pretty uncomfortable.

Secondly, last night’s spinning class with Melissa was HOT! I don’t know why but this time I was sweating more from the heat in the room than from the workout. The class was great though, as always! I love Melissa’s classes because they are paced in a way to give you an opportunity to check your limits without forcing you to. In other words, it is not a “Go! Go! Go!” class where you have no time to adjust/think/catch a breath, but the one where you get a chance to ask yourself: “Can I do better? Can I go faster? Can I have more pressure on the wheel?” And the wonderful thing about her class is that there is “room” for it in the routine. Love Melissa’s class!Continue Reading

Weekend Round-Up: grilled vegetables recipe, Saturday spinning, and lots of pool time

Hello, friends!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Mine was hectic, busy but a lot of fun!

It started with a “weekly Saturday double” – spinning and yoga at the Y. This time my favorite instructor (Jim) was teaching both spinning and yoga, and my hubby decided to come to the spinning class with me (how awesome is that?)!Continue Reading

Memorial Day Parade+Household Project and Sunday Yoga

Hello, friends!

I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend or just a nice weekend if your country doesn’t celebrate this holiday, and a good start to the short work week.

We had a busy couple days here…

As I told you before, we were working on our new patio this weekend. Here is what it looked like just when we started on Saturday and took off the layer of weeds we had there:Continue Reading

Saturday: fruit salad+vitamin water+”A-las-Greek” salad recipes

Happy weekend, friends!

It is a windy but gorgeous day here in PA. Still way too cold for going swimming!

Saturday morning I woke up bright and early (Me? Bright and early? I know, right.) and went for my spinning class with Gretchen. I have told you already that Gretchen is a great instructor! It was a very good workout, I “rode” a good number of miles and burnt some serious calories in her class. It was sad though because it was her last class here at the Y and I am really going to miss her.Continue Reading

How I started running or Sunday morning coffee inspiration

Sunday was a very special day in my fitness life.
I woke up early that morning (around 7:30 am) even though it was Sunday and I had no place I had to be or things I had to do that early in the morning.
My family was still sound asleep when I was enlightened by an idea while sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee.

I decided to go for a run. As in jogging. As in faster than walking.Continue Reading

Spinning, family bicycling and yoga

Hello, friends.

It’s been a fun couple days here in Carlisle, PA! On Friday night I was so tired after work, I decided to just chill and go for a bike ride instead of doing my usual 5:30 pm yoga class (it’s been a routine changing week!). When I told Carmen and my husband about that, they said they wanted to come along! So Friday night workout turned into a fun family event. Continue Reading

Why is my exercise routine not working or “That one Thing”

Hello, friends.

I have received the article below by e-mail at work from one of colleagues.

The article was written by Kirk Ream who is a physical trainer/instructor at Transformations, Training and Fitness (TTF) and essentially it reflects most of the things I believe in when it comes to healthier life style. Kirk’s “Fit4Service” vision focuses on proper balance of 4 areas:  P = Physical, I = Intellectual, E = Emotional and S = Spiritual.

So, are your P.I.E.S.’s balanced?  Read this great article and find out!Continue Reading

Monster spinning workout and tips for dining out

Hello, friends.

Last night I decided to make a one time change to my weekly exercise routine. Usually Wednesday night is my “yoga with Jim” night, but since he is on vacation for two weeks I decided to try something else.Continue Reading

Dinner action and more fitness plans!

Hello there, my friends!

Last night was a new dinner recipe time at our household! I have originally found the recipe on Pinterest. It is from Kalyn’s Kitchen website and it is for Roasted Green Beans with Mushrooms.

I had some green beans and mushrooms in the fridge, Tuesday was my no exercise day – all the stars have lined up perfectly for me to be a good wife for once and make dinner for the family with a new recipe.Continue Reading

Mother’s Day and Exciting Fitness Plans

I had a wonderful Mother’s Day! This year the kids were with their mom, so I wasn’t really expecting anything except maybe a phone call. Carmen did call saying she needed to come over to pick something up, and….showed up with a pot flower for me! Brought tears to my eyes…Continue Reading