Happy cycling Wednesday, guys!
I got Loops and Ladders for you today. 🙂
I love both loops and ladders in my classes as two separate elements, but this time I combined the two – 3 Loops of Ladders is what this ride really is.Continue Reading
Row Spin Flow
Happy cycling Wednesday, guys!
I got Loops and Ladders for you today. 🙂
I love both loops and ladders in my classes as two separate elements, but this time I combined the two – 3 Loops of Ladders is what this ride really is.Continue Reading
So it’s that time again.
You’re a new (or not so new) indoor cycling or Spinning® instructor, your next class is coming up and you need to put together a profile for it. Use these 5 steps to guide you through creating Indoor Cycling Class Profile of any format you can possibly need.
In everyone’s life there once comes a time to “shift to a higher gear”. So did it in Corrine’s. Keep reading for Corrine’s inspirational story and her cycling class profile (in Schwinn class format) and playlist she shared with Lean Lena’s readers today.
Hey guys! As you know, I am finally and officially on vacation right now visiting my family over in Russia.
So I asked Chris if she could fill in for me and share one of her wonderful class profiles and playlists with you today. She kindly agreed. So here, I give you Chris aka Chrispins. Take it away, Chris!
Class profile and playlist for indoor cycling instructors. This class is called “Inter-Modal” and incorporates almost all of the basic movements of the Spinning ® program. Challenging and demanding interval ride.
Hey guys! Happy Saturday!
Last week in my Saturday class we climbed two mountains. Usually I allow for more recovery in my class profiles, but this time I wanted to make it more challenging and work on muscle strength and endurance with my riders. So I came up with this cycling class profile.
I got very good feedback both on the class profile and the playlist. The playlist part of the feedback actually surprised me because a lot of the songs on it are outside of my regulars’ genre preferences. Yet there they were – sweaty and happy with both the workout and the music. So I’m sharing the ride with you today.Continue Reading
Are you a new indoor cycling instructor?
If you’re still getting nervousness butterflies in your stomach every time you have to teach a class, this post is for you.
We were all newbies once (and some of us still are). There we were out of our instructor orientation/training thinking we were ready to go out there and rock the world of those indoor cyclists.
A few classes later we had more questions than answers, one above all:
Why didn’t they teach me this in instructor training?!
Well, because it is impossible to teach you everything in the time spent on instructor orientation training by major indoor cycling certification entities. Even if they spent more time on training, it would still be impossible to cover everything you need to know, to go over every possible scenario you will encounter in your class, every possible shade of crazy and weird you are going to see, and every possible question you are going to be asked.
You teach and learn.
But there’s something I thought I could do to help you out.
I asked my fellow indoor cycling and Spinning® instructors what were the mistakes they had made when they first started teaching, and what would they have changed if they could go back in time to when they first started.
Here’s what they said.Continue Reading
With 2015 approaching, I couldn’t help but think about what 2014 has brought, what I have accomplished and where I’ve failed. It is that time when we all reflect, analyze, think, and hope.
So I decided to do a 2014 review: go back to my 2014 Resolutions and see what happened in 2014 and what didn’t.
Hey guys! Happy Friday 🙂
It’s been a while since I just posted about 5 random Friday thoughts and things so that’s what I’m doing today – totally random post with totally random things that I like, dislike, hate, love, etc..
I was recently asked for advice by one of my Twitter friends – how to get more people to come to their new Indoor Cycling/Spinning® class they just took over.
It got me thinking… What would I do to promote my new class? What HAVE I done to promote my classes?
You guys know that I’ve been a long time sub for Jim’s Monday class over the summer, and I just got my own class that I teach on Sundays at 2:30 PM.
So how did I get people to come to my new classes?
Here are some strategies to consider: things I did/wanted to do and what I think worked for me in promoting my new classes.
Hey-hey, guys! It’s Friday finally!
So it’s been a while since I shared anything about the things I like, what’s going on with my life these days, and all that – you know, fun stuff 🙂
Looking at my blog’s front page lately I realized that all I’ve been posting about was Tasty Tuesdays and Cycling Class Profiles.
Time to share something else with you, like good ol’ days 🙂 What do you say?
So, here are 5 absolutely random things I’ve been loving lately (random = not related to each other at all).
You probably noticed by now that I have a new badge in the right sidebar. I announced it on Facebook, but I didn’t share it here.
I am extremely excited, proud and honored to be selected as a brand Ambassador for Polar.
Hey-hey, my fitness gang! How is that week going?
Here is the weekly Indoor Cycling Class Profile and Playlist for ya! I hope you’re riding outside today and come back here later to check this post out and let me know what you think.
So I keep experimenting with the format of these posts, and today is going to be another experiment. I am open to feedback and suggestions if you have any – just let me know in comments.
I’m going to post a .pdf cue sheet of the ride from the Class Builder™ App by Cycling Fusion, post the usual iTunes Playlist for the ride so you can quickly click through to buy a song you like from the playlist (or the whole playlist), and add some notes below it all to explain the ride in a little bit more detail.
Hey, my fellow Indoor Cycling/Spinning® Instructors, fitness enthusiasts and just my regular readers 🙂
It’s time for the weekly Indoor Cycling / Spinning® Class Profile and Playlist.
As you guys know, since beginning of October I have my own class on the schedule every Sunday, and that feels AWESOME!
So, for my first Sunday I thought I’d come up with something different.Continue Reading
Hey-hey! Happy Hump Day, folks 🙂 It’s all downhill from here!
I’ve had a couple of really busy weeks here…I don’t know why, but I just can’t seem to catch up with everything ever since we came back from CA – so much going on!
So it’s been a while since I told you about my workouts. A lot’s been up on the fitness front, so let me tell you all about it – Wednesday to Wednesday 🙂Continue Reading
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