Whipped Greek yogurt? 100 calories? Yes, please! I’ll take these Yoplait Whips! as a healthy breakfast, snack, lunch and dinner 🙂
A Hectic Week Recap – Eats and Exercises
Hey guys! Happy Hump Pump Day! 🙂
I’ve had a very hectic couple of weeks as you probably noticed by the lack of my “What’s on my plate” Wednesday and Motivation Monday posts this and last week… Well, guess what? I am making it all up to you today by combining the two 🙂
Not much was going on on the exercise front last week – between the sharp right shoulder/arm pain and busy schedule I managed to squeeze in just a few workouts/classes last week.
{MONDAY} Cycling and Chicken

Cycling class with Jim on Monday
I don’t like Mondays most of the time. I am excited about Monday being a new beginning and all, but by the end of the day I am beat. It is usually the busiest day of the week for me – at work, exercising after work, etc. etc.. What do I make for dinner when I am busy? That’s right – crockpot anything 🙂
Last Monday it was chicken! I used to put it in the crockpot in the morning, set on Low and turn it off when I get home at 5 PM. It made the chicken a little overcooked to my liking…So what I’ve been doing lately is I would come home for lunch, and throw the chicken into the crock pot (Low) for 4-5 hours. That’s plenty of time to cook it and it comes out just perfectly juicy.
Hubby made wok veggies on Monday night – and we got a perfect dinner right there!
{TUESDAY} No Exercise and Lamb
Took a rest day on Tuesday night.
Foodie’s highlight of the day was lamb for dinner – grilled to perfection by my husband.
and this fruit and veggie platter I had at work for my snack throughout the afternoon:
{WEDNESDAY} Yoga and Pork Chops
I did make it to yoga on Wednesday but didn’t take any pictures so you’ll just have to trust me on that one 🙂
And then I got home and made rosemary pork chops and a salad for my tired husband.

{THURSDAY} Rest Day and Orange Salsa
Yeah, that was the day my shoulder and arm started acting up. It was that kind of muscle paralyzing pain that makes it hard to lift even a cup of coffee.
That did not prevent me from making an awesome orange salsa to go with tilapia and rice for dinner on Thursday evening, though 🙂
{FRIDAY} Another rest day and Beet Root Salad
On Friday my shoulder/arm was hurting so much it would wake me up at night. So…another rest day for the Lena 🙁
The food highlights of the day included the beet root salad I made for lunch on Sunday during my meal prep.

Canned beet roots, lettuce, feta, roasted pepitas and purple onions
{SATURDAY} Yoga and Big Family Breakfast
By Saturday I felt good enough to go get some gentle stretching done in a yoga class.
Yoga was followed by a breakfast fest made by my husband!
I also had a super-delicious lunch – leftover pasta with scallops from eating out the night before:

{SUNDAY} Food Prep
Well, that decision to go to yoga the day before was a little pre-mature. My shoulder and arm were not ready for any Sunday workout.
They were good for Sunday meal prep, so I went wild 🙂 I actually started on Saturday with this:

Apple-Cinnamon infused water, sweet potatoes and quinoa
and then continued on Sunday by making lunches and snacks for the week days:
No working out on Sunday either 🙁 Some nice kitchen time though 🙂 🙂 🙂
And that was my week of eating and non-exercising at a glance 🙂
Do share: How did you do last week? Anything fun? Anything delicious cooking?
Take care, friends, and stay fit!
What’s on My Plate Wednesday
Hey guys! Happy hump day!!!
Oh, I am so very happy it is Wednesday!
So, how about taking a peak at what I ate in the past week? Yeah, I thought so. But I am posting anyway 🙂
For some reason I wasn’t feeling like taking a lot of pictures in the mornings this past week.
I can tell you that I ate a lot of oatmeal:

why of course I have cinnamon chips on it!
And breakfast sandwiches with a fried egg, cream cheese and turkey breast on an English muffin:
I ate my wonderful salads for lunch most of the days (those I prepped last weekend):
And then they tore out my kitchen last Tuesday… We live in an old house with horse hair plaster in the walls (yeah I know it is hard to imagine there were “before drywall times” now). When you have plaster in the walls and ceilings, this can happen:

yep, a hole in the ceiling
So they tore my kitchen ceiling out completely.

like…entirely…as in no ceiling at all
Gives my kitchen kind of a rustic look, doesn’t it? 🙂
Did that effect my cooking schedule? Yeah…all that plaster dust took a while to get rid of, that’s why we had Chinese for dinner on Tuesday.
But once I got all that dust cleaned off, we were back on track with dinners!

Yeah, lots of grilling and crockpot action!
Lemon-shrimp pasta, crockpot beef with wok veggies, steak and mashed potatoes, crockpot pork and wok veggies, chicken wings.
And, I did do my usual meal prep this Sunday! I did some nice lunch prep (salads with baby romaine lettuce, avocado, bell peppers, sweet potatoes, quinoa, green onions, goat cheese, chicken breast and hardboiled eggs + a sandwich) including snacks (apples, celery, carrots, snack cheese).
And right after that – this happened!
Well…what can I say? “All work and no play” would make Lena a one boring personality – gotta break the rules sometimes 🙂
Eat well, my friends, and have a great week!
What’s on My Plate Wednesday – Weekly Eats
Hey guys! It’s hump day! Just 2 full work days left and then it is the weekend! Got anything special going on this weekend?
I will probably sleep a lot – I was not getting enough sleep this week. And when I don’t get enough sleep…well…you know…”don’t get body slammed by a low land gorilla” 🙂
It’s been a while since I shared my eats with you here, so here we go – “What’s on my plate Wednesday” post in store for you today. 🙂
Egg sandwich on an English muffin, corn muffin (recipe coming soon), oatmeal with cinnamon chips and sliced almonds, buckwheat with honey and butter, oatmeal with cinnamon chips and marshmallows. I’ve generally been pretty good with my breakfast choices as you can see.
Warm quinoa salad on a bed of spinach, pre-prepped salads, lentil soup (crockpot), salad/sandwich combo, Italian Grinder. Lunch…I am a Queen of Lunch Prep! So pretty good choices here too.
Pork loin with buckwheat, mushrooms and onions on the side; pork chops with buckwheat; salmon, rice, avocado and spaghetti squash; home made beef enchiladas; chicken roaster with veggies. Except when my hubby is making dinner (yes, enchiladas, I am talking to you), my dinners look pretty healthy. 🙂
Celery + homemade hummus, snapeas crisps, PB-banana smoothie, raspberry-banana smoothie, cuties. Yeah, this is my weakness. Can’t even begin to describe you what I snack on that doesn’t get to the social media in the form of pictures 🙂 Het, bare with me – I am working on it and it’s a journey!
What fun foods have you eaten lately?
Stay fit, folks!
Healthy Living Tips: Q&A about Infused Water
Hi guys!
Happy Hump Day!
I’ve been asked a lot about infused water lately. By no means am I an expert in this, but I thought I’d share some tips I discovered.
I make infused water every Sunday (sometimes twice a week) and I think it is a great healthy alternative to store bought juices, leave alone soda:
- it does not contain any added sugar
- it is cheaper
- it is more delicious
- it is better for you
So below are answers to some common questions I get about making infused water.Continue Reading
Food Highlights: Crockpot the Saviour, Salad-a-Day and more
Hey guys! Happy Hump Day!
It’s downhill from now on – Friday is almost here, so hang in there!
How about I tell you of my food highlights of the past couple week as part of my “What’s on my Plate Wednesday” blog series?
Here’s the deliciousness I’ve had!
I am still a big fan of oatmeal with my 1000 ideas of what to top it with. Remember my post about 15 ways to eat your oats? Well, I keep adding on to those ways pretty much every morning 🙂

Oatmeal with marshmallows, raisins and cinnamon chips
Been a huge fan of oatmeal + marshmallows combination!
I also enjoyed some savory breakfasts with added protein and fats.

Hardboiled eggs, ranch, capers, wheat berries and a cheese cookie

Egg sandwich with black forest ham and cheese on an English muffin
I have committed to eating one salad a day! It is not a streak, or a challenge or any other group activity of any sorts – just my personal commitment 🙂 So I have been pretty much eating salads for lunch in the past couple weeks (with a few exceptions where leftovers from dinner were just too tempting).

Baby spinach, sweet potato, organic chicken breast meat, black beans, leeks, hardboiled eggs, quinoa

Baby spinach, quinoa, sweet potato, avocado, hardboiled eggs

Baby spinach, canned beets, feta, sliced almonds
It’s been a very busy few weeks – both for me and Mr. H. – at home, at work, in life in general. Trying to eat healthy with a busy schedule can be quite difficult and with the general stress of this kind of schedule the failure to eat healthy is even more upsetting and discouraging.
That is exactly the moment where my crockpot comes into play making healthy and nutritious food while I am at work 🙂

My all-time favorite – crock pot split pea soup with smoked ham

Crockpot chicken with stir-fried veggies
If we have more time in the evening, we might throw something on the grill:

Like these pork chops with kale and quinoa salad on the side
And…then, of course there are times where my best intentions collide with my husband’s appetite 🙂 Like last Friday, I made a wonderfully healthy pizza with whole grain crust, mushrooms, olives, meat and leaks…

Looks great, right?
and then Mister Husband made me dump half a bag of mozzarella on top of this goodness and we ended up eating this:
Oh well, life happens 🙂 I just love my husband and mozzarella too much 🙂
That pretty much sums it up, guys!
What was the best food you ate lately?
Foods of the Week – What’s on my Plate Wednesday
Hello and happy Wednesday to you, my friends!
Let’s talk healthy (and not so much) food, shall we? I am changing the format of my weekly “What’s on my Plate Wednesday” blog post today – just because I get bored if things don’t change for a while 🙂
Hope you like it!Continue Reading
What’s on My Plate Wednesday
Happy hump day, my friends!
To me, it’s pretty much Friday, close enough anyway 🙂
It’s been a very hectic week so far (just like the one before) – lots of running around, exercising, PT sessions, etc. etc..
With all this I am honestly struggling with fitting simple things like getting gas and grocery shopping into my schedule….and fail a lot of times 🙂
You will see the signs of my busy schedule in today’s post – “What’s on My Plate Wednesday” is featuring not as many eats as usual – not because I am a lazy photographer, but because a lot of times I am eating “on the go” – still eating good stuff, though. No fast food for this body 🙂
Ok, here we go – eating highlights from the past week.Continue Reading
Belated “What’s on my Plate Wednesday” and Weekly Exercise Recap
Hey hey, my fitness friends!
I bet you didn’t expect a “What’s on my Plate” Wednesday post from me on Thursday! Well, guess what? It is happening. And since I missed the exercise recap post this week, I am combining the two!
Here we go, eating highlights and exercise recap of the past week or so!Continue Reading
What’s on My Plate Wednesday – Eats of the Past Week
Good morning, my fit and getting fit friends!
I hope you are having a short and sweet work week 🙂
As usual, I am here today to tell you what I ate this past week – Wednesday to Wednesday 🙂
So here are the highlights of what’s been on my plate lately.Continue Reading
“What’s On My Plate” Wednesday
Hi there, my dear fitness nerds! 🙂
This is the weekly “What’s on my Plate” Wednesday post!
So here we go, the highlights of my meals from last to this week, Wednesday to Wednesday. If you see something you like and would like a recipe for it, leave a comment and I will be happy to post the recipe.Continue Reading
What’s New or What I Did in the Past Couple Weeks
Hello, my fit friends!
I have been totally neglecting my blog in the past 2 weeks, and I am very sorry about that. I missed writing so much!
I have had a couple weeks from hell at work, and with my exercise routine and family I had absolutely no time or energy for blogging. I did try to keep you up-to-date with other social media (Instagram, Twitter and Facebook), though. I hope you didn’t miss me too much and I will try not to take such long breaks from blogging any more 🙂
So, here I am with the highlights of the past 2 weeks or so.Continue Reading
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