Weekend Highlights: Smoothie Recipe, #plankaday, Saturday Double and Fun by the Pool

Hello, friends!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Here in Carlisle we had a wonderful weekend of heat and sweat ๐Ÿ™‚ But still it was a good one.Continue Reading

Recipe: Pasta Salad with Roasted Mushrooms

As promised, my friends, here’s the recipe for the last night’s dinner – Pasta Salad with Roasted Mushrooms.Continue Reading

My “Food and Fitness Journal” entries for the past couple days – #plankaday challenge continues!

Hello, friends, and happy Friday!

It is almost weekend! Yey!

Here are my “Food Journal” entries for the last couple of days:Continue Reading

New Yoga Experience at Simply Well in Carlisle PA, #plankaday Day 4

Hello, my friends.

Happy hump day! From now on it is downhill with this work week – closer and closer to the fun of the weekend. So hang in there if you are not having a very good week, and keep it up if you are having a great time.

Meanwhile, I will tell you what I’ve been up to yesterday.Continue Reading

Day 3 of #plankaday, mad busy Monday and healthy foods of the day

Hello, my friends!

I hope you had an easy Monday. I had a “Monday of a lifetime” – can’t remember the last time I was THAT busy at work, after work and all the way to my bed time!Continue Reading

Weekend Highlights – #plankaday, spinning and a lot of healthy food ideas

Good morning, friends! (if a Monday morning can possibly be good ๐Ÿ™‚ ) Mine is good! I hope your is, too.

Here are some weekend highlights for you to read/look through.Continue Reading

Pasta Salad Recipe, healthy breakfast idea and more

Hello, friends!

I hope you had an easy Friday and are enjoying your weekend!

My Friday was long and I wished I took it off rather than going to work. But hey, it is weekend now!Continue Reading

Breakfast in a Glass Recipe, Retro Candy Store Adventures and the 4th of July

Hello, friends!

I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July! I had a great day with my husband at the Swim Club, casual dinner party for 3 people (the 2 of us included) and some good food!Continue Reading

In the spinning room alone, healthy breakfast and lunch ideas

Hello, friends!

Here I am with a cup of coffee and my story of the past couple days. Since I got a little bit out of the rhythm here with my daily posting and Mondays’ weekend recap, today’s post covers Monday and Tuesday. So here we go ๐Ÿ™‚Continue Reading

Weekend Highlights: Carmen’s Salad Recipe, Spinning and Kitty Time

Hello, friends!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and managed to stay fit and not overeat in this time of barbecues and other food fests ๐Ÿ™‚

My weekend was very relaxing – with a lot of time spent by the poolย with my family ย (well, it’s that time of year!)Continue Reading

The Best Smoothie Recipe I’ve Ever Tried!

Happy Friday, friends!

I hope you had a good and productive week and are ready for the weekend. I know I am!

First things first – as promised in the headline, here’s the best smoothie recipe I came up with so far. Really liked it! So here we go.Continue Reading

Herb Chicken Tortellini, Basil and Pine Nuts Pesto Recipe, Fitness Motivation

Hello, friends!

This is an “a little bit of everything” Thursday post ๐Ÿ™‚

Continue Reading

Weekend Recap – Lots of Good Food, Spinning+Yoga, and Seafood Pasta Recipe

Good Monday afternoon, friends (I hope it is good for you)!

I have had a wonderful weekend with my husband (no kids this weekend) – a lot of pool and sun time, good food and exercise.

It feels so good to be back to my routine! My leg is almost completely healed, so I did my Saturday double this weekend! I tried to take it easy (especially in my spinning class), but somehow I still managed to burn my usual calories and do the usual distance almost during that one. Must be because it was Robin’s class and she ROCKS!Continue Reading

Sweet Potato Wedges Recipe. No More Running?

Hello, friends!

Thank God it’s Friday! It was a busy week, with almost no exercise, which made me feel terribly uncomfortable – you know that feeling when you leave for the airport and can’t shake off the thought that you’d left something behind, something that you need on the trip? That was my feeling exactly this past week. Oh well, the knee is much better, and hopefully I can get back on track with my exercise here soon (more on that later in the post).Continue Reading

Recipe: Omelette with Mushrooms and Grape Tomatoes plus Some Exciting News from the Blog World

Hello, friends!

I hope you slept well and are ready for a new healthy breakfast idea and recipe!

But before we go to that, here’s some exciting news I wanted to share with you first.Continue Reading